Saturday, 24 March 2018

رسي برو الفوركس بالطبع التداول بدف

الخيارات الثنائية.

كامل رسي برو الفوركس طريقة التداول بدف.

تجارة الفوركس - S & # 246؛ k تجارة الفوركس - هيتا تداول العملات الأجنبية.

تعلم طريقة التداول كاملة كعملية منهجية من البداية إلى النهاية. نظام تداول الفوركس والنهج المدروس في هذا الكتاب شامل و.

فاليو فكس طريقة التداول نظام - استراتيجيات الفوركس - الفوركس.

2018-03-18 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ ونحن ملتزمون لمساعدتك على بناء أنظمة التداول مربحة مع إلقاء نظرة على شعبية جدا 2-الفترة مؤشر القوة النسبية طريقة التداول من قبل لاري كونورس.

دليل التجارة إيشيموكو كاملة - كيفية استخدام و.

2018-03-26 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ مؤشر القوة النسبية وكيفية الربح منه. المقدمة ليست نظام التداول الكامل. بل هو مجرد دليل على طريقة دخول قوية التي يمكن استخدامها.

مجانا تجارة الكتب - الفضل نقطة تجارة | الفوركس الخاص بك.

(برويب) 16 أغسطس 2018 - تعلم الفوركس كما كتب 4 كتب أخرى على الفوركس وكتب مؤخرا، رسي برو الفوركس التداول دورة، بدف كاملة.

لماذا E. A.S. Y. طريقة؟ - ملفات ميتاتريدر 4 مجانا.

2018-11-29 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ أساسيات تداول العملات الأجنبية وكيفية تطوير تعلم الفوركس: ثلاث استراتيجيات بسيطة للتجارة ماسد. یشیر الارتفاع الأعلی الذي وضعھ مؤشر القوة النسبیة.

كونورس البحوث استراتيجية استراتيجية سلسلة مقدمة.

مؤشر القوة النسبية (رسي) كتاب كونستانس براون، التحليل الفني للتجارة المهنية، والتوقعات على أساس مؤشر القوة النسبية. بعض أساليب أندرو.

5x5 رسي ترادينغ سيستيم - كومبليت ترادينغ ديتايلز.

2017-12-05 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ كيفية استخدام مؤشر القوة النسبية للتداول سوينغ. مثل التحليل الفني للدمى بدف نظام التداول يورو التحليل الفني تداول العملات الأجنبية.

دليل تداول الفوركس الأساسي - إتورو.

2018-09-06 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ ترادينجفيو - أفضل المؤشرات والبرامج النصية التداول على منصة المالية! سم رسي-2 استراتيجية المؤشر السفلي - مؤشر يمكن تحميل بدف من.

دليل فيبوناتشي في نهاية المطاف - تجارة الفوركس على الانترنت.

تحليل فني معقدة جعل بسيطة وضع / نسب الدعوة وغيرها من المعلومات المفيدة مثل مؤشر ستوكاستيك، مؤشر القوة النسبية هو أفضل طريقة لفهم.

الفوركس هو صديقك صرف العملات الأجنبية كما التاجر.

خطوة بخطوة التداول من قبل الدكتور الكسندر إلدر المكافآت، واستكمال مجلة التداول الخاصة بك بعد كل التجارة. ثم عليك أن ترتفع فوق الجماهير.

أفضل 10 استراتيجيات الفوركس - أوثنتيكفكس.

مؤشر القوة النسبية (رسي) طريقة أخرى هي كسر خط الاتجاه رسي الذي يتوافق مع كسر خط الاتجاه إذا كنت تتداول الفوركس.

22. كيفية تداول مؤشر القوة النسبية (رسي) مثل برو.

الفوركس للمبتدئين: هذا الأسلوب يعمل الحساب الذي يسمح لك لممارسة تداول الفوركس مجانا دون الحاجة إلى إيداع أي أموال.

دليل التداول، تعلم كيفية التداول | ThinkMarkets.

إعدادات مؤشر القوة النسبية رسي التداول بولكوسكي ل. الفئة: الصفحة التالية هي فقط فصيل من التحليل الكامل لمؤشر القوة النسبية. رسي التداول: الاختلاف. يبحث.

مؤشر ستوكاستيك | كيفية تداول مؤشر ستوكاستيك مثل برو.

نظام التداول رسي 5x5 هو طريقة تداول بسيطة تستخدم 2 5 & # 215؛ 5 رسي نظام التداول - التداول الكامل تحصل على قواعد تداول العملات الأجنبية.

دونشيان قناة استراتيجية الزخم | Investoo.

وهنا لائحة من الكتب التجارية الحرة إلى دليل كبير لاستخدام مؤشر القوة النسبية بطرق لا تدرس عادة. أنماط فوركس الموسمية تحميل صفحة ل. بدف.

A سوق الفوركس المرجعي - secure. efxnow.

دايترادفوريكس - اليوم تداول الفوركس النظام. في نهاية المطاف خطوة بخطوة دليل على الانترنت العملة Trading. pdf الكاتب: usuario1 تاريخ الإنشاء:

4 أنواع المؤشرات يجب أن يعرف تجار الفوركس | Investopedia.

لا توجد عبارات بحث. لم يتم إدخال أي عبارة بحث. من فضلك أدخل.

الفوركس للمبتدئين: - بيزموف الرئيسية - مهارات الأعمال بدف.

هذا هو كتاب تمهيدي للتداول نظام رسي برو للتجارة الفوركس. يتضمن نظام رسي برو الكامل للتجارة الفوركس: طريقة تداول الفوركس.

تعلم الفوركس: ثلاث استراتيجيات بسيطة للتجارة ماسد.

تداول الفوركس مخاطر السوق مجانا باستخدام لدينا مجانا محاكاة تداول العملات الأجنبية. لذلك دعونا نعتبر واحدة من أبسط الطرق التالية الاتجاه أو مؤشر القوة النسبية لمدة ثلاثة أيام لفترة قصيرة.

تجارة الفوركس - S & # 246؛ k تجارة الفوركس - هيتا تداول العملات الأجنبية.

2018-04-25 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ أدوات التداول الحرة تجارة الفوركس / إكمال التداول إيشيموكو قوية. مؤشرنا المفضل هو مؤشر القوة النسبية.

3 نصائح التداول ل رسي - أخبار تجارة الفوركس & أمب؛ تحليل.

الهدف من مؤشر القوة النسبية برو سلخ فروة الرأس هدفي في البدء تعلم تعلم الفوركس هو العثور على طريقة التداول وأنا على ثقة أنه بمجرد الانتهاء من القراءة.

مؤشر القوة النسبية (رسي) بواسطة سوريفير-ترادينغ.

لا توجد عبارات بحث. لم يتم إدخال أي عبارة بحث. من فضلك أدخل.

إنديكاتوروارهوس تقرير خاص حصري مؤشر القوة النسبية.

125 # الاتجاه الفضة مع I - الانحدار الأسلوب. 126 # ماسد مع لاغيري رسي وقناة إما؛ ValeoFX_Method_latest. pdf. 30 # مثلث طريقة التداول - الفوركس.

استراتيجية رسي برو سلخ فروة الرأس - كابافكس.

2018-05-16 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ تراديسيتي - التداول نصائح، التحليل الفني، أدوات التداول الحرة تجارة الفوركس مدونة وأكاديمية التداول.

&نسخ؛ كامل رسي برو الفوركس طريقة التداول بدف الخيار الثنائي | كامل رسي برو الفوركس طريقة التداول بدف أفضل الخيارات الثنائية.

رسي إستراتيجية التداول: مؤشر القوة النسبية 80-20.

شكرا للتحقق من 80-20 استراتيجية التداول التي تستخدم مؤشر القوة النسبية، وتحليل حركة السعر إلى الأرض لك إدخالات التجارة كبيرة! هذه الاستراتيجية التجارية مؤشر القوة النسبية فعالة مثل استراتيجية التداول رسي 2 أن لاري كونور المتقدمة، ومع ذلك، فإن هذه الاستراتيجية تتعامل بدقة الانتكاسات التي تحدث الشموع 50 الماضية. يتم استخدام استراتيجية تداول مؤشر القوة النسبية 80-20 كاستراتيجية أسهم مؤشر القوة النسبية، واستراتيجية مؤشر القوة النسبية رسي، واستراتيجية خيارات مؤشر القوة النسبية. سنناقش أشياء كثيرة في هذه المقالة مثل مؤشر رسي مقابل مؤشر ستوكاستيك ولماذا تكون المؤشرات كبيرة للتعامل مع أنظمة مؤشر رسي مؤشر ستوكاستيك التجاري ومؤشر رسي العشوائي واستراتيجية مؤشر القوة النسبية 5 أيام واستراتيجية كونورس رسي واستراتيجية الخيارات الثنائية التي تعمل مع مؤشر رسي.

إذا كنت ترغب في مؤشر القوة النسبية رسي الحرة دليل استراتيجية التداول لهذه الاستراتيجية اضغط هنا وسنقدم لكم مجانا.

وسوف نناقش أيضا مؤشرا قمنا بتطويره يستخدم هذه الاستراتيجية لتعطيك مداخل سهلة ونقاط خروج.

هذه الاستراتيجية سوف تحدد كسر الاتجاه والاستفادة من الحركة إلى الاتجاه المعاكس. (نوع من مثل لدينا الاتجاه الكسارة استراتيجية)

في هذه المقالة، سوف أعرض لكم استراتيجية تداول بسيطة باستخدام مؤشر القوة النسبية. أنت ذاهب للاستفادة من هذه الاستراتيجية من خلال تعلم التباعد التجاري، والعثور على وسيلة منخفضة المخاطر لبيع بالقرب من أعلى أو شراء بالقرب من الجزء السفلي من الاتجاه.

مؤشر تداول الفوركس المستخدم للاستراتيجية.

مؤشر القوة النسبية هو أحد المؤشرات الأكثر شعبية التي يستخدمها التجار في أي سوق (الأسهم، الفوركس، العقود الآجلة، الخيارات).

ما هو مؤشر القوة النسبية (رسي)؟ تم تطوير هذا المؤشر من قبل ويلس وايلدر عام 1978 عندما سرعان ما أصبحت واحدة من مؤشرات مذبذب الأكثر شعبية للتجار في الأسواق المالية. ويمكن أن يتذبذب مؤشر الزخم هذا بين 0 و 100 يوفر إشارات ذروة شراء وإفراط في البيع. صيغة هذا المؤشر معقدة بعض الشيء:

يمكن أن أشرح هذه العملية برمتها لكم، ومع ذلك، وسوف تجنيب لكم التفاصيل. أردت فقط أن حصة هذا مع الرياضياتيين الذين يقرأون هذا الذين يتمتعون رؤية المعادلات. يمكنك إجراء بحث غوغل سريع إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد حول هذا ..

الفوركس إعدادات مؤشر التداول.

الإعدادات الافتراضية لهذا المؤشر هي فترة تمهيد من 14. سنقوم بتغيير هذا الإعداد إلى 8. تأكد من تغيير هذا الإعداد قبل الانتقال إلى هذه الاستراتيجية. والسبب الذي أحب 8 بدلا من 14، هو أن مؤشر القوة النسبية سيكون أكثر استجابة بالنسبة لنا وهو أمر مهم جدا عندما يبحثون عن مناطق ذروة شراء أو ذروة البيع. أيضا المضي قدما في وضع مؤشر القوة النسبية وتغيير خطوط في المؤشر إلى 80، 20. سوف تتعلم المزيد عن هذا لاحقا.

وسيكون هذا المؤشر هو المؤشر الوحيد الذي نستخدمه لهذه الاستراتيجية. السبب نحن فقط استخدام هذا، لأن لدينا مجموعة صارمة من القواعد نحن بحاجة إلى متابعة قبل أن نتمكن من دخول التجارة. وهذه القواعد، دون أدنى شك، تحقق من انعكاس لنا لدخول التجارة.

لذلك قبل أن ترغب في استخدام هذه الاستراتيجية إجراء التغييرات التالية إلى مؤشر القوة النسبية:

14 فترة زمنية، إلى 8.

70 و 30 خطا، إلى 80 و 20.

ويأتي هذا المؤشر لمعايير معظم منصات التداول. تحتاج فقط لجعل هذه التعديلات لهذا.

رسي استراتيجية التداول.

الخطوة الأولى: ابحث عن زوج العملات الذي يظهر ارتفاع الشموع الخمسين الأخيرة. (أو منخفضة اعتمادا على التجارة)

يمكن استخدام استراتيجية التداول 80-20 مع أي فترة زمنية.

والسبب في ذلك هو أن هناك انعكاسات للاتجاهات في كل فترة زمنية. لذلك يمكن أن يكون هذا تجارة سوينغ، تجارة يوم، أو تجارة سلخ فروة الرأس. طالما أنه يتبع القواعد هو التجارة صالحة.

الشيء الوحيد الذي نحن بحاجة للتأكد من في هذه الخطوة الحالية هو أنه هو انخفاض أو ارتفاع 50 الشموع الماضي.

وفيما يلي مثال على ذلك:

ملاحظة ** سوف نستخدم نفس المثال لشرح هذه الاستراتيجية. هذا زوج من زوج الدولار مقابل الفرنك السويسري وسوف يكون صفقة شراء.

وبمجرد أن نحدد هذا المستوى المنخفض أو العالي، يمكننا الانتقال إلى الخطوة التالية.

أنا رسمت خطوط عمودية على الرسم البياني بحيث يمكنك رؤية انخفاض شمعة 50 التي حددناها.

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى استخدام خطوط أفقية على المخطط الخاص بك للتحقق من أن الشمعة قد أغلقت أدنى 50 الماضية يمكنك القيام بذلك. هذا ليس ضروريا ولكن قد يكون من المفيد بالنسبة لك أن تفعل ونرى مدى قوة هذا الاتجاه.

الخطوة الثانية: عندما نجد 50 شمعة منخفضة، فإنه يحتاج إلى أن يقترن رسي القراءة 20 أو أقل. (إذا كان المرتفع يحتاج إلى أن يقترن مؤشر القوة النسبية القراءة 80 أو أعلى.)

أدناه لدينا القراءة التي ضرب خط 20 على مؤشر القوة النسبية وكان انخفاض الشموع 50 الماضية.

بمجرد أن نرى أن لدينا منخفضة، آخر 50 الشموع ومؤشر القوة النسبية هو أدناه 20 ثم يمكننا التحرك في الخطوة التالية.

تذكر أن هذه الاستراتيجية هي استراتيجية انعكاس. وسوف يكون كسر الاتجاه الحالي وتحريك الاتجاه الآخر.

الخطوة الثالثة: انتظر السعر الثاني (شمعة منخفضة) ليغلق بعد أول سعر حددناه بالفعل.

يجب أن يكون أدنى سعر أدنى من أدنى مستوى له، ولكن مؤشر القوة النسبية يجب أن يوفر إشارة أعلى من المؤشر الأول.

تذكر، يمكن ملاحظة الاختلاف عن طريق مقارنة حركة السعر وحركة المؤشر.

إذا كان السعر يحقق قمم أعلى، يجب أن يكون المذبذب أيضا قمم أعلى. إذا كان السعر يجعل أدنى مستوياته الدنيا، يجب أن يكون المذبذب أيضا أدنى مستوياته.

وإذا لم تكن كذلك، فهذا يعني أن السعر والمذبذب يختلفان عن بعضهما البعض.

وهذا هو السبب في أنها تسمى "الاختلاف".

فقط لأنك ترى اختلافا، فإنه لا يعني بالضرورة أنك يجب أن تقفز تلقائيا مع موقف.

ولدينا قواعد مطبقة تستفيد من هذا الاختلاف، حتى نتمكن من تحقيق أرباح كبيرة.

نضع في اعتبارنا، أن هذه الخطوة قد يستغرق قليلا لتطوير. من المهم جدا الانتظار لهذا الانخفاض الثاني لأنه يحصل لك في وضع أفضل لجعل التجارة.

يبدو هذا الأمر معقدا بعض الشيء، ولكن أعتقد أنه مثل هذا المثال الذي نستخدمه:

السعر ينخفض ​​/ مؤشر القوة النسبية ترتفع. هذا هو الاختلاف.

تذكر، أن مثالنا هو الاتجاه الهابط الحالي تتطلع إلى كسر إلى الاتجاه الصعودي. إذا كان هذا كان 50 شمعة عالية ونحن سوف تبحث عن العكس تماما مع هذه الخطوة.

ومع ذلك، دعونا نلقي نظرة على الرسم البياني لدينا،

وبمجرد تلبية هذه المعايير يمكننا المضي قدما والبحث عن إدخال لأن الرسوم البيانية تظهر لنا أن انعكاس قريبا.

الخطوة الرابعة: كيفية إدخال التجارة مع مؤشر القوة النسبية استراتيجية التداول.

الطريقة التي تدخل التجارة هي في الواقع بسيطة جدا.

انتظر حتى يتوجه السعر في اتجاه التجارة وانتظر شمعة ليغلق فوق الشمعة الأولى التي حددتها أن كان 50 الشمعة السابقة منخفضة.

حفظ هذه الصورة كمرجع، إذا كانت تكافح مع هذه الخطوة. هذا وسوف يرشدك عند البحث عن التجارة.

الخطوة الخامسة: بمجرد جعل لكم الدخول، مكان وقف الخسارة.

لوضع توقف عثرة مرة أخرى 1-3 فترات زمنية والعثور على مستوى جيد لوضع المحطة التي تجعل منطقي المعنى. لذلك كنت تبحث عن المقاومة السابقة، والدعم.

وضعنا توقفنا تحت منطقة الدعم هذه. وبهذه الطريقة إذا استمر الاتجاه ولم ينكسر يمكن أن تصل إلى هذا المستوى وترتد مرة أخرى في اتجاهنا.

وأوصي بأن تتبع على الأقل 1 إلى 3 الربح مقابل مستوى الخطر. وسيضمن ذلك أنك تعظيم إمكاناتك لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من هذه الاستراتيجية. يمكنك ضبط كما يحلو لك، ولكن معظم الاستراتيجيات الجيدة التي تحدد فواصل من الاتجاه استخدام 1 إلى 3 الربح مقابل مستوى المخاطر.

خلاصة، وهنا قواعد الاستراتيجية:

إذا كان لديك أسئلة أو تعليقات حول هذه الاستراتيجية التداول قد تصل إلينا في معلومات @ ترادينغستراتيغيدس.

إذا كنت ترغب في رؤية استراتيجية كبيرة أخرى المضي قدما وتحقق من مكافئ سار + المتحرك المتوسط ​​المتحرك.

استراتيجية مؤشر القوة النسبية للتجارة كبيرة وبسيطة إلى حد ما للتعلم، ولكن عد 50 الشموع هو رتابة بعض الشيء الذي هو واحد من العديد من الأسباب لماذا وضعنا مؤشر إفك الذي يتداول هذه الاستراتيجية بالنسبة لك!

تحقق من مؤشر إفك قمنا بتطوير أن يتداول استراتيجية مؤشر القوة النسبية 80-20 بالنسبة لك!

اضغط على الصورة لمعرفة المزيد!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

يرجى مشاركة مؤشر القوة النسبية 80-20 استراتيجية التداول أدناه والاحتفاظ بها للاستخدام الشخصي الخاص بك! شكرا التجار!

لهذه الاستراتيجية 80-20 استراتيجية التداول، ما هو أفضل استخدام الإطار الزمني لحساب 50 شمعة للخطوة. هل هو 1 دقيقة، 5 دقائق، 15 دقيقة تف. يرجى أحتاج المشورة الخاصة بك. شكرا لكم. روزلي همسان ماليزيا.

بالنسبة لاستراتيجية 80-20، لقد استخدمت إستراتيجيتي الخاصة عن طريق تغيير إعداد المؤشر. أنا باستخدام 2 فترة الإعداد، 5 والحفاظ على 14 الفترة. أضيف في المستوى من 70،60،50،40 و 30. فترة 5 (علامة صفراء) و 14 (علامة الأزرق). سوف تظهر فترة 5 شراء دخول أو بيع عند عبور 14 من أسفل أو أسفل. مرة أخرى فإن مستوى 60 و 40 تشير إلى فتح شراء أو بيع. ولكن أحيانا أستطيع & # 8217؛ ر تأكد إذا كان الاتجاه صعودا أو هبوطا. أنا فقط إضافة إلى بلدي الرسم البياني مؤشر قوة قوة العملة واتخاذ قرار لدخول قاعدة التجارة على القوة الحالية. ولكن استراتيجية 80-20 الخاص بك هو شيء معرفة إضافية بالنسبة لي وشكرا جزيلا لكم على هذه الاستراتيجية، ويمكن أن تكون مفيدة جدا في بلدي التجارة اليومية. شكرا لكم.

ما هي الميزة الفريدة التي تريد رؤيتها أكثر في مؤشر التداول؟

ومن وجهة نظري، فإن أهم سمة للمؤشر هي التنبؤ (بنسب مئوية عالية من الدقة) لنقطة الانعكاس أو المنطقة (إما أكثر من الشراء أو البيع)

بالتأكيد، انعكاسات هي وسيلة رائعة للتداول في السوق!

٪ احتمال نجاح التجارة.

أعتقد حقا أن هذا المؤشر سيكون قيمة للغاية لأنه في تجربتي الانتكاسات هي واحدة من الصفقات الأكثر ربحا وأنا يمكن أن يكون الألم الحقيقي في محاولة للعثور عليه على الرسوم البيانية، وهذا هو بالضبط ما كنت أبحث عنه.

تماما كيسي! شكرا للتعليق .. دائما سماع متعة من تاجر المهنية!

والمؤشر الذي يبين مناطق العرض والطلب في جميع الأطر الزمنية (ولكن خاصة تلك الأطول) سيكون مفيدا حقا. شكر.

أربع ساعات، يوميا، أسبوعيا الصفقات عكس الإطار الزمني ضخمة! إذا كان هناك فقط مؤشر من شأنها أن تظهر لك طريقة دقيقة لتداول هذه باستمرار 🙂

إنها استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام. I & # 8217؛ d ترغب في معرفة ما إذا كان لديك أي نسبة من معلومات النجاح من باكتستينغ.

لقد اختبرنا المؤشر مرة أخرى، وقد أظهر لنا إدخالات تجارية كبيرة ونقاط خروج. نحن لا واعدة 100٪ سيكون صحيحا، لأنه كالتاجر، كنت في نهاية المطاف تلك التي تقرر التجارة أم لا 😉

بالنسبة لي أي مؤشر جيد يحتاج إلى توفير توقعات موثوقة. على سبيل المثال: إذا كان C = A + B، فإننا متأكدون إذا كنا نتوقع أن C يبدو، فإنه يتطلب أن أولا وقبل كل يبدو A + B، ونحن لن تتخذ أي إجراء إذا كان يظهر فقط A، أو B. وبعبارة أخرى ، عندما نرى نمط A + B، ونحن على يقين من أن C سوف تتبع. (ملاحظة: ربما هذا وون & # 8217؛ ر يحدث 100٪ من الوقت، ولكن كلما اقترب من 100٪ المثالي، وأكثر موثوقية يصبح.)

لا استراتيجية 100٪ أنا أتفق تماما. ولكن إذا كان لديك نظام مع مجموعة صارمة من القواعد التي تتبع ذلك في كثير من الأحيان ثم لن تنتج الصفقات مربحة، ثم كنت على الطريق الصحيح! هذا ثابت & # 8220؛ التغيير والتبديل & # 8221؛ أن يجعل التاجر تصبح جيدة ل عظيم!

الناس في الطبيعة على التفكير وأكثر تعقيدا الأشياء. يمكن أن يكون التداول بسيطا ولكن يجب استخدام بعض الحس السليم. العمل السعر هو الملك الذي ثبت مرارا وتكرارا. وأعتقد في الرسوم البيانية بسيطة ومع ما أرى يا رفاق قد وضعت تبدو لا يصدق الذي دوسن & # 8217؛ إعادة رسم وهو أمر حاسم وهذا فولفيلز كل ما ذكرته للتو التي هي مهمة جدا في جميع جوانب التداول. تطور كبير من شركة كبيرة.

شكر! فلسفتنا هي جعل الأمور أكثر بساطة ثم ما يجب أن يكون. هتبس: //uploads. disquscdn/images/4bf2a9fbbaaf418a1e94a04b5683b382d672a7b72bec921e98d0cf95974e50d2.png نحن نرى أشياء من هذا القبيل من ما يسمى & # 8220؛ غوروس & # 8221؛ ويهز رؤوسنا. ليست هناك حاجة لوضع العديد من المؤشرات / خطوط على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك! نأمل أن مؤشرنا سيجعل حياة الناس أسهل عند البحث عن الصفقات الانعكاس.

أنا تاجر جديد وفي بعض الأحيان واحد هو الخلط حتى مع ستراترجيس مابي هناك. لكنني استمتعت بقراءة هذه الإستراتيجية التي نشرتها هنا. أنا ذاهب إلى تغيير إعدادات بلدي لمعرفة ما إذا كنت وندرستان ذلك. وفيما يتعلق شادس.

كبيرة لسماع، واسمحوا لنا أن نعرف كيف يذهب 🙂

استجواب المادة! ولكن ما زلت أجد استراتيجية معقدة إلى حد ما. حسنا، لماذا عد حتى 50 بار وما هو المنطق وراء ذلك؟ ثم، لماذا لا 20، 15، 30 أو نحو ذلك & # 8230؛؟ هل باكتيست أو التجارة أنها تعيش؟ أخبرونى من فضلكم.

هتبس: //uploads. disquscdn/images/ec600f37518416a0342e6f18e06f8a3be172c265128613e693d9a4811dd7fbaa. png سيجعل هذا المؤشر من الأسهل على الجميع استخدام الإستراتيجية. هذا الخط سوف تبقى دائما على الرسم البياني الخاص بك 50 الشموع مرة أخرى حتى لا تكون هناك عملية شاقة من عد الشموع في كل وقت. للإجابة على سؤالك حول لماذا اخترنا 50، الشموع ال 50 الأخيرة لا تزال ذات مغزى على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك على أي إطار زمني. إذا كان هناك انعكاس لتأخذ مكان، في كثير من الأحيان ثم لم يكن هناك اتجاه صعودي قوي / الاتجاه الهبوطي آخر 50 الشموع حتى رئيسها لعكس كبير عندما يتم تشغيل مؤشر لدينا على أساس الخروج من هذه الاستراتيجية!

عظيم. شكرا جزيلا على أخذ الوقت لتفسيره. أنا لا تزال تنتظر لهذا المؤشر الذي أشرت. لقد قلت بالفعل. من خلال الطريق، ويل واحد تلقي المؤشر المراد عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني أو بعض الوسائل الأخرى؟

الإجابة على المسابقة.

أود أن أرى مؤشرا يمكن أن تشير بدقة الحانات اليومية عالية & أمبير؛ أدنى مستوياته.

كبيرة، التي من شأنها أن تكون ميزة لطيفة في مؤشر. شكرا على التعليق!

أريد مؤشرا يبين بدقة وقت الدخول / الخروج.

أعتقد أنني قد أحب هذا، بعد أن أدرك كيف يعمل (بدء التجارة)

حسنا أوتنغ، إذا كان هناك أي وقت مضى كان مؤشر يمكن أن نفعل ذلك، وأنا أقول لكم التجار البشري سيكون عار أو لا حاجة مرة أخرى في التداول. وسيتوقف الوسطاء عن العمل التجاري، ولن يكون هناك أي شخص على الجانب الآخر يأخذ صفقات واحدة. أو لا تزال البنوك والمؤسسات الكبيرة مع المال سوف لا يزال الحصول على أيديهم على ذلك ووضع طريقة سعر قسط على ذلك لجعلها مستحيلة لتجار التجزئة مثلك وأنا للحصول عليه. وسوف يكون سلاحا سريا وأنها & # 8217؛ ليرة لبنانية استخدامه لا يزال يضربنا إلى اللعبة.

الحفاظ على التعليقات القادمة الرجال! تذكر أننا نعطي الوصول إلى ثلاثة من هذه المؤشرات الخاصة يوم الجمعة! يتم إدخال كل من علق حتى الآن في المسابقة!

عند إغلاق الشريط & # 8211؛ لا أكثر إعادة رسم. لا إشارات 3،7 أو 10 أشرطة الظهر. من السهل أن بقعة (مخطط بسيط). إذا كان هناك حاجة إلى مرشحات إضافية، فلماذا لا تدع المؤشر القيام بالعمل وتظهر فقط إشارات جيدة؟ أنا أحب معدل الفوز عالية جدا وأنا أحب حركة أعلى / أسفل لبدء قريبا جدا بعد الإشارة. إذا كان يعمل على جميع الأطر الزمنية وجميع الأسواق أنها جيدة أيضا. لوضعه باختصار: أريد أن يقوم المؤشر بمعظم العمليات الحسابية بالنسبة لي.

أود أن یحدد ھذا المؤشر مع احتمال کبیر أن تکون مستویات سر / ھیکلیة ھامة ذات صلة بأطر زمنیة متعددة. إذا هي رس على أساس ذلك؟

مجرد التفكير بصوت عال أنه إذا كنا بحاجة إلى مضاعفة مؤشر القوة النسبية مع ارتفاع أو أدنى من 50 القضبان الأخيرة يجب أن نبحث عن أكثر من اشترى أو باعت 80/20 أولا ثم العثور على ارتفاع أو انخفاض الأسعار؟ استراتيجية لطيفة. أنا أيضا أحب الطبقات كسورية الخاص بك. شكرا لجميع الأفكار العظيمة. تومي.

أيهما يأتي أولا. تحتاج إلى أن يكون كل من العناصر (ارتفاع 50 الشموع الماضي أو انخفاض الشموع 50 الماضية إلى جانب الاختلاف في العمل السعر مع رسي) لتلبية قواعد التجارة. ثم جعل من الواضح أن التجارة عندما يذهب العمل السعر فوق أو تحت ذلك أول شمعة محددة.

لم أكن أبدا من محبي رسي، يفضل مؤشر ستوكاستيك و ماسد، ولكن هذا يبدو وكأنه تطور لطيف استخدامه مع برايس أكتيون & # 8211؛ سأعطيها محاولة. وفيما يتعلق بالتعليقات السابقة حول معدلات الفوز، الكأس المقدسة ليست هي نسبة الفوز ولكن هو إدارة الأموال. مع نظام إدارة المال الصحيح في مكان يمكنك تحقيق أرباح جيدة من الفوز فقط 40٪ من الوقت & # 8211؛ أي شيء أفضل هو مكافأة. أنا أحب وضوح العروض التقديمية، ومواكبة العمل الجيد.

شكرا، نصيحة رائعة غراهام! دون إدارة الأموال الخاصة بك بشكل صحيح، كنت محكوما بالفشل في البداية.

مرحبا شكرا لجميع الاستراتيجيات الخاصة بك كبيرة، وأنا الآن بدأت أخيرا لجعل بعض الأرباح الجيدة هذا 3 أسابيع الماضية.

مواكبة هذا العمل الممتاز.

كبيرة لسماع سام!

تهانينا سام! لقد اخترنا لك الحصول على مؤشر إفك مجانا! الاتصال بنا على معلومات @ ترادينغستراتيغيدس و سوف نرسل لك المعلومات الخاصة بك!

مرحبا شباب، وهذا يبدو وكأنه نوع من انعكاس / استراتيجية الاختراق. تبدو مثيرة للاهتمام، وإنني أتطلع إلى معرفة المزيد يوم الجمعة. حول موضوع ما أبحث عنه في استراتيجية، أبحث عن نظام هو & # 8220؛ بسيط قدر الإمكان، ولكن لا أبسط & # 8221؛، كما بعض الرجل مع حلاقة غريب الذي كان ينبغي أن يذهب إلى سبيسافرز يقال مرة واحدة قال! على محمل الجد، إذا كانت استراتيجية معقدة للغاية، فإنه فقط لن تعتاد. ومن الأفضل أن يتاجر نظام أبسط مرارا وتكرارا، حتى لو كان ذلك يعني أن العوائد ليست جيدة تماما مثل النظام المعقد حقا. ولكن مهلا، أن & # 8217؛ لي فقط!

الحق & # 8230؛ لا حاجة لأكثر تعقيدا الأشياء. إذا كنت ترغب في فوضى على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك وفهم لهم ثم كبيرة، ولكن معظم التجار من المرجح أن توافق على أن بسيطة أو حتى & # 8220؛ عارية & # 8221؛ الرسوم البيانية (استراتيجيات العمل السعر) العمل الأفضل بالنسبة لهم.

شكرا، على 10 سنوات من فقدان & # 8230؛ وقد حاولت جعل النظام الخاص بي مع & # 8220؛ اللون-- ترميز البارات & # 8221؛ & # 8211؛ أنت & # 8220؛ فازت & # 8221؛ لي إلى ذلك & # 8211؛ أبحث جيد! بارك الله لكم غنيا!

ملف بدف متاح:

& # 8220؛ ديستنكتيونس الأساسية & # 8221؛ في الله & # 8217؛ ق اثنين.

(2) برامج مختلفة!

🙂 لها ميزة لطيفة. شكرا لأستجابتك!

هل هناك طريقة لتظهر على الرسوم البيانية الفترات الخمسين الأخيرة. حتى الخط الذي تم رسمه 50 فترات قبل والتحرك على طول مع كل فترة تتحرك إلى الأمام. أيضا، وقد اختبر أي شخص على أي إطار زمني هذه الاستراتيجية يعمل بشكل أفضل ل. أنا & # 8217؛ م تاجر جديد نسبيا لذلك أي أفكار والمشورة سيكون موضع تقدير كبير.

نود رؤية الإدخالات التي تم تشغيلها إما على الإطار الزمني 30 دقيقة أو الرسم البياني لوقت الساعة.

نجاح باهر سوبر استراتيجية 🙂 وظيفة جيدة.

ويجب أن يكون المؤشر واضحا لا لبس فيه ولا سيما بالنسبة إلى الإدخالات / المخارج. الجمع بين الانتكاسات مع نظرة إلى الوراء لتوترات السوق السابقة هو جيد. أحد السمات الحيوية للمؤشر هو أن تستخدم بشكل مربح وكثيرا ما يكون العمل السعر الذي يكشف للمستخدم يصبح مألوفا جدا أن تتعلم قراءة السوق دون المؤشر.

استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام بفضل الرجال أنني سأحاول هذا المساء.

سألت ما أود في مؤشر؟ ليس هناك الكأس المقدسة كما يعرفون بالفعل، ولكن شيئا من شأنه أن يخلق مؤشرا صلبا من أين للدخول والخروج من التجارة، جنبا إلى جنب مع تأكيد سوق تتجه.

على الرغم من أن ما أود حقا مثل في مؤشر هو اثنين المسلحة، واثنين من أرجل واحدة من شأنها أن ترشد لي & # 8211؛ مما يساعدني على أن تكون أكثر ثقة عندما سحب الزناد ولا دثر مثل نانا بلدي، وعندما بالة على التجارة، والسير معي وأنا التجارة لفترة لتوجيه لي في نهجي. لجعل لي تاجر المهنية وليس التاجر وانب. كيف يمكنني ربط واحد من هذه على بلدي MT4؟

تروق حقا بلوق الخاص بك، يرجى الاحتفاظ بها الذهاب 🙂

بس: لا احتقار إلى أي نانا & # 8217؛ ق هناك، ولكن أومغ يطلب مني لاتخاذ قرار وتحتاج إلى الجلوس وجعل كوب من الشاي لإعطاء وقتها & # 8211؛ يبدو وراثة وراثية. كوب من الشاي أي شخص؟ 🙂

مرحبا، استراتيجية مبنية على البساطة، وأنا شخصيا أفضل. بالتأكيد أنا أحاول غدا، نتطلع إلى الجدة ستكون مثيرة للاهتمام: D.

الاختلاف مع مؤشر القوة النسبية وحده يبدو وكأنه شيء يمكنني القيام به مع & # 8230؛ هو أكثر قليلا مربكة الآن كمؤشر مستقل كما كنت أتداول التباعد حتى الآن مع ماكد & أمب؛ مؤشر القوة النسبية مقارنة مع حركة السعر. ربما هذا يبقيه أسلوب بسيط هو واحد نحن & # 8217؛ كنت في انتظار.

نأمل ذلك فريدي! ونحن نعتقد قوية جدا من تجربتنا اختبار هذا المؤشر!

إذا كانت الفرضية الأساسية لمؤشر إفك هي توضيح أي طريقة للتداول و متى، أنا & # 8217؛ d أرى أنه يجري في منتصف الطريق هناك. متزوج لفلسفة التعادل عاقل، فإنه سيتم استعادة متوسط ​​تاجر التجزئة الإيمان في نهاية المطاف في الحصول على الجانب الإيجابي من دفتر الأستاذ & # 8230؛ .. للتغيير.

هذا يبدو جيدا حقا. فقط ما يحتاج مبتدئ لتحسين الفهم والنتائج، شكرا لجهودكم.

دائما أحب قراءة رسالتك.

أحب الاستراتيجيات يا رفاق مشاركة هذه الاستراتيجية 80،20 هو بسيط جدا لتطبيق و الطرافة قليلا من الصبر لانتظار القواعد التي يتعين الوفاء بها أستطيع أن أرى هذه الاستراتيجية يمكن أن تكون مربحة جدا. شكرا الرجال لاتخاذ الوقت لتتبع.

يبدو وكأنه الفائز.

نحن نتمنى أن ترغب في ذلك!

أي مؤشر يظهر لي انعكاس واضح.

مؤشر إف يبدو حريصة جدا لمحاولة بها عندما هو & # 8217؛ s المتاحة.

نتطلع إلى مراجعة المؤشر الجديد الذي سيتم إصداره. لديك سجل جيد من اخراج جيدة من السهل أن نفهم الاستراتيجيات التي هي مربحة. تم تعيين شريط عالية!

أنا & # 8217؛ د أحب أن أراك باكتست باستخدام وقف الخسارة أصغر بدلا من واحد واضح. أنا أكثر اهتماما بكثير في انخفاض السحب بدلا من نسبة الفوز العالية. أنا أفضل أن التجارة يوميا والرسوم البيانية 4 ساعات. ما مدى أداء المؤشر للمؤشرات على نحو تاريخي؟

شكرا للمشاركة!

فقط لي ولكن مثل الكثير من التعليقات، وأنا & # 8217؛ لقد كان من خلال الغابة مؤشر. استقر على عدد قليل من العرف منها عبر ثينكورسويم. ما أحب حول هذا المؤشر إفك هو يبدو أن دمج تلوين شمعة من نوع درجة الحرارة. يتبع منطق الساخنة فاتر لتبرد.

يمكنني استخدام شكل من الشموع الملونة من خلال توس و حريصة على رؤية كيف يتعامل إفك على الأطر الزمنية المختلفة والحظية / اليومية. في حرارة.

في اليوم الذي يمكن & # 8217؛ t من السهل الحصول على الملتوية حول عندما المال على الخط حتى و & # 8216؛ وهلة سريعة & # 8217؛ 4 نظام اللون يساعد حقا. يجب أن تسير على ما يرام مع العديد من الاستراتيجيات التي & # 8217؛ عرضت.

أعتقد أنك ذاهب إلى الحب ثم تقوم على الخروج من تعليقاتكم الكريمة 🙂 شكرا!

هذه هي مجرد استراتيجية التداول التي عثرت عليها مؤخرا كما فحصت العديد من تشكيل الرسم البياني والتغيرات في الاتجاه على المدى القصير والطويل على حد سواء. سوف مؤشرك تخدم غرض كبير من العثور تلقائيا على تلك البقع من التغيير وجعل التداول فرحة أنه ينبغي أن يكون!

شكرا لجميع الاستراتيجيات الخاصة بك كبيرة.

وإنني أتطلع إلى أنها تحاول.

يرجى عدم بيعها عبر كليكبانك أو جفزو أو كليكسور. وتعني سياساتهم الجديدة بشأن المستردين أن الكثيرين منا (في الواقع جميعنا تقريبا في مجموعة سكايب) قد تم إدراجهم في القائمة السوداء لاسترداد جزر سكامستر الهندية و إي & # 8217؛ s.

جون ما نوع مجموعة سكايب التي تقوم بتشغيلها؟

أنا لا & # 8217؛ ر تشغيله. وهو ما يسمى بتر (إكس & # 8220؛ غرفة التداول الخاصة بك & # 8221؛ و فيرتو التجار (كلاهما احتيال ديفونكتيوناري & # 8211؛ تبخر المدراء و المتدرب دعم التجار تركوا في لورش & # 8211؛ بعد أن دفعت العديد من الآلاف) منظم أسترالي أسيك هو بلا أسنان تماما وغير مهتم في الحيل تاجر التجزئة.

أوه نعم أتذكر تلك المجموعة. الرهيب أن نرى أن يحدث، نأمل أن بعض التجار كانوا قادرين على الاستمرار والعثور على النجاح في التداول الخاص بك.

يمكننا أن نرسل لك رابط بايبال مباشرة، جون. شكرا على التعليق!

نتطلع حقا للحصول على هذا المؤشر. سؤال واحد فقط يتعلق 50 الشموع الماضي، أفترض أنه آخر 50 أو أكثر من الشموع وليس بالضرورة بالضبط 50 الشموع مرة أخرى؟ ممتن جدا لجميع التدريب الكبير! يوحنا.

نتطلع إلى مؤشر كبير.

أفضل للحفاظ على الشموع غير الاستراتيجية والرسم البياني ملامح كما أحادي اللون (أي الأسود والأبيض أو الرمادي على خلفية بيضاء) بحيث، خلال الجر من خلال الرسوم البيانية والأطر الزمنية، واللون المفاجئ حقن في الصورة هو أكثر من ذلك بكثير على الفور الانتباه تحصل.

موافق & # 8211؛ قفزت واشترت المؤشر & # 8211؛ يبدو تماما مثل المثال أدناه. خيبة أمله الوحيدة هي الشموع دون & # 8217؛ & # 8220؛ البقاء & # 8221؛ لذلك إذا تركت وتريد أن تحقق مرة أخرى في وقت لاحق تختفي التجارة مرة واحدة ضرب الهدف تب. أيضا خط تب غير مرئي دائما على الرسم البياني في حين أن التجارة في التقدم & # 8230؛. ولا يفعل ذلك & # 8217؛ ر & # 8220؛ الطلاء & # 8221؛ في المتأخرات للاختبار البصري البصري & # 8211؛ لذا يجب أن تكون & # 8220؛ في الوقت الحالي & # 8221؛ إلى & # 8220؛ راجع & # 8221؛ كيف تمنع التجارة & # 8211؛ I & # 8217؛ لست متأكدا من كيفية العثور على خط تب إذا كنت تستطيع أن ترى ذلك & # 8211؛ قد تكون قادرا على فتح & # 8220؛ الكائنات & # 8221؛ وانظر قيمة هناك وأدخل هذا الرقم في التجارة الخاصة بك & # 8230؛.

إذا قمت بالنقر فوق واسحب على نطاق عمودي على اليمين يجب أن تكون قادرة على العثور على تب.

أعتقد أن لديك موقع بالمعلومات كبيرة، حتى مواكبة العمل الجيد ولكن الدليل هو دائما في الحلوى.

مرحبا شكرا على كل إستراتيجياتك الرائعة & # 8230؛ & # 8230؛ ..

مؤشر القوة النسبية هو مؤشر بسيط. مع استراتيجية التداول الخاص بك، سيكون من الجيد لتطوير النظام بدلا من التآمر يدويا والنظر في الظروف.

أنا أحب هذه الاستراتيجية فقط ما كنت أبحث عن شكرا جزيلا على عملكم الشاق.

مع أطيب التحيات غراهام.

أنا بحاجة إلى مؤشر على مؤشر القوة النسبية الذي يمكن أن يعمل جنبا إلى جنب مع العرض & أمبير؛ الطلب (سند) ويعطي إشارة مشتركة كنقطة واحدة مع النص & # 8221؛ دخول شراء أو بيع & # 8221؛ وأمبير. (تب 1 أو تب 2) بناء على مستوى فيبوناتشي مثل 161.8 & أمب؛ إلخ

كونه متداول بدوام كامل (فت)، الاتجاه مهم جدا بالنسبة لي. وسوف تظهر لي واضحة جدا حيث وجهتي. للحصول على دخول جيدة وحادة، ولست بحاجة إلى مؤشر الزخم شركة ودقيقة. مزيج من هذين سيعطيني بالتأكيد استراتيجية تجارية جيدة جدا. بالنسبة إلى مؤشر القوة النسبية، أعتمد على هذا الإعداد:

المستوى 50: مؤشر الاتجاه (أعلاه للارتفاع الصعودي والعكس بالعكس)

المستوى 20/80: مؤشر الزخم (نقطة الدخول والخروج)

يبدو هذا النظام على حد سواء. وترجمت إلى طريقة أكثر سهولة وودية أكثر لأي نوع من التاجر. انها مجرد أن باعتبارها إضافية، تحتاج هذه النظام أن تكون المعدات مع أي مؤشر الاتجاه الداعم الآخر من أجل تحديد السوق تتجه أو تتراوح .. أما بالنسبة لنفسي أنا استخدام قناة ما لدعم هذا النظام التجاري.

نظام تداول جيد ودقيق وحاد وسهل الاستعمال. تهانينا للمطور.

مثيرة للاهتمام، إضافة هذا إلى ترسانة بلدي سوف تساعد بالتأكيد بلدي الصفقات.

قاعدة 80 20 تبدو كبيرة، أنا مروحة كبيرة من مؤشر القوة النسبية، وأعتقد أن إفك تبدو ميزة كبيرة في تصور قواعد للتقييم & أمبير؛ دخول. لدي 2 اقتراحات للمؤشرات، الأول سيكون إضافة إلى إفك من مربع ملون الذي يقيس الظهر 50 فترات وتعيين إلى الحد الأقصى للسعر دقيقة لتلك الفترة 50 مثل قناة السعر على الرغم من أن لا تقطيع حول مثل قناة السعر، يمكن أن مربع ثم تشير إلى احتمال اختراق عمل السعر بمساعدة بقعة أو سهم أو تغيير لون الشريط. وأود أيضا فكرة إبقاء أشرطة غير الأساسية من لون محايد. وأعتقد أن المؤشر الرئيسي أود أن يكون متوفرا ل MT4 هو لمحة السوق استنادا إلى حجم يظهر بوك و مين ماكس من السعر الرئيسي المنطقة. شاهد مظاهرة رائعة من هذا أمس في ندوات عبر الإنترنت ولكن لم يتم تصميمه ل MT4. ثاتس بلدي 2 قرش يستحق ولكن لا مواكبة الروح العظيمة التي لديك كما انها حتى منعش بالمقارنة مع تلك الشركات التي ترى لنا تجار التجزئة وتذكرة وجبة. شكرا لك، توني.

أود أن أرى تصنيفا٪ للنجاح. ويمكن أن تزن كل العوامل وتعطي تصنيف الاحتمال المقترح بحيث يمكن للتداول أن يقرر من تلقاء نفسه ما إذا كان أو لا يكون متحفظا.

لقد تم استخدام استراتيجية التباين رسي مماثلة، ومؤشر إفك قمت بإنشائها تبدو مثيرة جدا للاهتمام. على الرغم من أنني أود أن يكون المؤشر قادرا على أن تكون مخصصة، ومؤشر القوة النسبية، رسي عالية / منخفضة المستويات، R: R مستويات، نقاط الدخول (المغامرة (عند التغيير إلى اللون الأزرق)، المحافظ (عندما يعبر خط 50 بار))، والتكيف وأن إطار زمني متعدد التنبيه إلى موبيل الخاص بك تكون متاحة. أيضا أود أن يكون الخيار لرؤية حركة السعر من الأصفر والأزرق والأخضر / أشرطة حمراء، في هذه اللحظة يتم تغطيتها. وأخيرا، فإن بعض الأنماط المتباينة هي أكثر قوة من غيرها، لذلك ربما يدل على تباين الاختلاف، خاصة إذا كانت الأطر الزمنية العليا في التباعد. Again, the EFC indicator looks very promising, just shared my thought of it could be even greater for my personal use. Thanks for the good work.

Much gratitude for this beautifully simple and straightforward reversal strategy, very clear and easy to follow explanation from start to finish….can’t wait to test it once markets open up again after the weekend.

I want an indicator to be consistent. And consistent based on reliability, not necessarily a % of wins. Once an indicator fails to be reliable, it is doomed for me. But if it is reliable, I trust it and it becomes a valuable asset.

On your question about the unique feature I’d love to see in an indicator, what I’d love to see in an indication is an additional feature to auto-trade, i. e enter the trade when the entry conditions are met. You only have to set lot size and put it on auto trade. This way, it can enter the trade and then send you an alert of trade entry, and you can then look at it and set your stop loss, trailing stop and take profit levels. Alternatively you can indicate take profit and stop loss levels in terms of percentage or pips as well as the lot size lot. This will really be cool.

I would like to add an alert that shows the high or low of the last 50 candles and meets the criteria of the 80/20 break rule. In this way we are able to begin the analysis and wait for proper entry in advance. شكرا لكم.

The most important feature for me would be to get consistent results under all market conditions, i. e. reliability that can be trusted at all times.

استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام. Have used RSI to verify what price action is telling me, but not with 50 period low or high. Fakeouts are a big problem. I’ll try this strategy.

What I look forward to seeing on an indicator is one that would be able to help me avoid chop, Most indicators are able to get one into or out of trade but are just dumb when it come to market chop. So my ideal indicator would be able to give me warning of the beginnings of a chop.

I personally enjoy Simple graphical type indicators like arrows and bars changing colors to tell me which way to take my next trade. شكرا لكم.

Would like an indicator that doesn’t lag with high reliability with in terms of generating entry signals with minimal false positives.

I am grateful for your Trading strategy guides RSI divergence strategy. It is a no holy grail but coupled with a sensible money management and understanding of price action, it definitely indicates the picks and troughs of the rhythm of the market. My advise is, even when there is a confirmed divergence between RSI and price, buy signals in an uptrend and sell in a downtrend. Thanks for educating us. بارك الله.

I have been back testing this strategy for the last week. Ooooh… what can I say IMPRESSIVE.

Awesome George! أبقه مرتفعاً!

I look forward to trying it.

عظيم! We look forward to helping you.

Thanks for sharing great strategies. Will be trying this soon.

About indicator is there a pop-up alert when signal triggered?

About indicator is there a popup alert when candle change color?

Good money management make good profits and thanx for the great presentation.

نود أن نطلعكم على بعض المعلومات المهمة حول دليل إستراتيجية التداول ونحن نسير قدما نحو هدفنا لمساعدة 1،000،000 من التجار في العثور على إستراتيجية تناسبهم بشكل أفضل.

نريد منك أن تفهم تماما من نحن كموقع تربوي تعليمي & # 8230؛

التدريب والاستراتيجيات المجانية نحن نقدم كل أسبوع & # 8230؛

سوف نرسل العديد من استراتيجيات التداول الحرة لتعلم وتطبيق نظام التداول الخاص بك على الفور & # 8230؛

فريقنا يجمع كمية هائلة من المعلومات ويأتي مع بعض من أبسط وأسهل استراتيجيات التداول لمتابعة كل أسبوع.

نحن متحمسون للغاية للقيام بذلك بالنسبة لك لأننا نحب مساعدة الناس على النجاح الذين هم جادين في التداول.

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على معظم ما يصل إلى أحدث المعلومات التي نقدمها من الأرجح أفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك الآن هو لمتابعة منا على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية التي هي:

في اللحظة التي ننشر الاستراتيجيات على بلوق لدينا، وسوف نقوم بنشرها تلقائيا إلى هذه المنصات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية بحيث يمكن أن يكون الوصول الفوري إلى استراتيجياتنا الحرة!

The EFC is now available to every trader on tradingview platform!

We want to let you know that the EFC Indicator is now live on the Tradingview Platform in additon to being on Meta Trader 4.

This version is packed with many NEW features like:

& # 8211؛ Strategy Version to Backtest the EFC…(Our Favorite)

& # 8211؛ Risk/ Reward Modification.

& # 8211؛ New Color Scheme.

& # 8211؛ Fully Customizable for Each Time Frame.

& # 8211؛ All new settings:

& # 8211؛ efc_weekend_settings. pngAnd much more that we will show you in the members area!

If Tradingview is not your prefered platform no worries! Its also available on Meta Trader 4 with a custom dashboard.

Below is a potential current EFC Trade Signal on tradingview:

EFC Trade Signal: GBPAUD.

efc weekend trade idea #1.png.

The EFC has detailed report in tradingview that will show you differnet stats and backtested results. We recommend checking this out and adjusting the EFC to your preferred settings to see if it is consistenly profitable!

Any questions let us know!

اتمنى لك نهايه اسبوع جميله!

& # 8211؛ The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W2wczMq2my0wLW90xZxL4tttMj0 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

We have a great Trading Strategy we want to share with you today that we call Price Action Pin Bar Strategy.

It is simple to learn and will only take you a few minutes to read.

We have many trading strategies that we want you to learn so we will send you a few of our best trading strategies like this one in the next few days!

Our goal is to help you find a strategy that fits you best.

So if you find that this one is not for you then no worries, we have many of them!

If you have any questions please email our support staff at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*VTGlwc4bT_ghW6n931C4mL4BY0 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

We have a Cypher Patterns Trading Strategy that we developed a while back and we think this one you are going to enjoy!

This strategy is part of a series of harmonic pattern strategies that we have developed..

Its a great strategy for day traders and occasional scaplers.

This strategy is a little advanced so when you read it please take special note of all the important steps.

Let us know if you need anything from us!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W7GG-6w1k5xwnW3j6tF1363FX80 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

Our MACD Trend Following Strategy is one of the best ways we have found to use this indicator consistently.

We have done a vast amount of testing with this powerful indicator and this is the strategy our team uses.

MACD indicator is the real deal and has been around for a long time!

Please feel free to email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) if you have any suggestions or comments.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*V9tVTZ9dzHLbW643b-Y6kjwDq0 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

Something new is being released to market traders next week. Hint ==> its awesome!

We want you to have one of our most popular strategy guides we ever developed on our blog…

For free of course 🙂

We also wanted to announce that we have some super exciting coming out in a few short days that will help you trade this strategy like a pro..

You are going to want to check this out, trust us 🙂

So when you click the button below you will see instanly what that new release is and what we have planned for you in the next few days…

Let us know what you think of the strategy and if you are pumped to see what we have coming soon…

ملاحظة Tomorrow there will be an email from us that will show you in a video what we developed for you guys! Stay tuned for this and more!!

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W8-kWL52cjmhyW7FMVQ746xgrr0 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

Mark you calendars, a new indicator is coming!

So the cat is out of the bag…

We developed a new indicator and let’s just say, it’s super cool and very powerful!

Go ahead and watch a short video we made for you that will explain how it works:

You will also learn of a new contest which means that we are going to giving one of these indicators away one lucky contestant(s) for FREE!!

Don’t wait any longer go ahead and watch this short Day #2 Sneak Peek Video we made for you that will give you some more info about this powerful new indicator we developed.

Thanks for the continued support!

Have a great weekend traders,

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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One tweak to a single strategy could boost profits immediately.

Have you ever tried tweaking your strategy before when you saw that you were consistently losing over and over again?

Well we know we have been there and what happened recently when we tweaked our Parabolic SAR strategy was a complete game changer…..

This is some good stuff that every trader can relate.

So tomorrow will be the day we are going to be opening up the cart to our members!

So members be ready, all others we will let you know tomorrow when the cart will open up for you as well:)

Have a great day…

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

ملاحظة Remember to watch yesterday’s video and enter our contest to get this indicator for free. === وGT. Go here to enter (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W5tWhCn8kpfd4W8Tm3Jn5mk8qp0 ) … If you already entered then no need to do so again, we have you marked down on our list! Winners will be annoounced tomorrow! It’s almost time for this new indicator to be launched, trader!

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Did you know we have a powerful indicator we call the Big Three that has a combonation of three of the most poweful indicator developed all packed into one indicator.

imageAbove is a Snapshot of the indicator in aciton….Learn More about the Big Three Indicator (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W3NFy0F6_wdL9W78t2k-2y7LQK0 ) If you have any questions for us please let us know!

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We wanted to reveal the winner of the contest!

Today the Simple SAR has been released to our members and so far, they are loving it!

One of our Members told us this,

“I just tweaked mine to 25 TP 30 SL and it is knocking it out of the park”

Our members get early access to everything new we have so don’t be upset because next time you can get your early access when you are a member 🙂

To see who we chose as a winner of this contest click below.

When the clock strikes 0 the page will redirect to where you can get your very own so we recommend you bookmark this page!

نحن نتطلع الى الاستماع منك!

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Our dellux bonus package is going away in a few days!

These signals are a premium service and we have been offering them for a long time now..

But times are changing and this bonus will be going away soon as we move forward..

If you want to see exactly why you should take advantage of this bonus offer while it is still available go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*Vd-Xrt5qsj-jN5pPPV7czf5q0 )

Thanks for all of the kind comments and feedback you guys have sent our way!


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We just wanted to remind you again that we are going live today to talk about our indicator, strategy, and many other imporant topics we wanted to discuss with you about.

We look forward to seeing you there and being involved with us.

If you want to know the exact details go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W7r6CCR8Z-XKTVClm1H3TDtcP0 )

Keep in mind that if you have any questions for us you let us know now as we will be busy getting ready for our live webinar in a couple hours!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We are live right now!

Leave us a comment so we know you are there 🙂

We look forward to showing you the strategy live and talk about some other bonus offers we have for you today for joining us.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Today is the last day you will hear about our new indicator (Simple SAR)

After today not only will the big bonus we told you about is going but also you chance to get access to this indicator for quite some time.

It may be 6, 9, even 12 months before we open up the cart to this indicator again!

So if you want access to this and all of the powerful bonuses we are throwing in you need to get it today!

As always, our support team is here to help you. We are dedicated to help you find a solution to your trading problems.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We know you have been tuning into our special Simple SAR Sale i’m sure some of you might be tired of hearing about it but we truly believe this is one of the best indicators you will find on the Marketplace..

Plus we have so many Special Bonus offers that this indicator will pay for itself instanly!

So we are letting you know this one final time before the sale goes away forever and you will never see an offer like this again.

You will see instanly just how valuable this indicator is and why we have been showing you the power of a system like our Simple SAR.

So This is your final warning.

We are closing at midnight.

No questions ask.

Get it now because this offer ends immediately at MIDNIGHT.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We have a Powerful Indicator that trades channels consistently…

The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

Here are the benefits of the CTI Indicator.

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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We just recently published a new strategy on our blog!

Come check it out:

The Pitchfork trading system in an old forgotten trading technique that projects potential support and resistance lines.

The Pitchfork trading system can be applied to all time frames and generally to every kind of market so, no matter of your trading style and your preferred time frame you’re pretty much covered.

Let us know if you like the strategy by commenting!

Thanks, have a great day.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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816 ليغونير St.

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We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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We just wanted to let you know that we have a new strategy on our blog that uses the Elliot wave theory to take trades consistently accurate on any time frame or market.

Above is the exact rules of the strategy that you can read and save for your personal use!

We hope this helps so let us know if we should continue to do this for you guys in the comments 🙂

Enjoy your free strategy that our team put together for you and we hope these are helping you grow as a trader.


- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

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نأمل أن يكون لديك عظيم الاثنين!

حتى اليوم هو يوم كولومبوس وبما أننا نود أن تفعل صفقات الخصم في عطلة خاصة كنا نريد أن نقدم لك خصم 40٪ على مؤشر كتي لدينا!

سوف مؤشر كتي تلقائيا لرسم القنوات على كل إطار زمني (إذا كان هناك قناة فايلد) & # 8230؛

هنا هو في الواقع نظرة حية في ميتا التاجر 4 الإصدار:

يبدو أن الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار قد كسر قناة من ثلاثة أطر زمنية مختلفة.

أثار هذا المؤشر وأظهرت اثنين من إدخالات شراء كبيرة!

واحد من استراحة السابقة للقناة والثانية على الاختراق الحالي لهذه القناة التي تم رسمها لك.

انها بسيطة على هذا النحو!

هذا المؤشر معبأة مع العديد من الميزات الفريدة التي لن تجد في أي مكان آخر & # 8230؛

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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أردنا فقط أن نذكركم بأننا نقدم مؤشر كتي لدينا بسعر 40٪ من سعر مخفض!

& # 8211؛ The CTI Trading Indicator. This indicator will show you the channel, the break, and when to enter based on the Famous Rabbit Trail Trading Strategy. & # 8211؛ Access to Every Trading Strategy - You get incredible free access to all of our trading reports that we store in our vault. & # 8211؛ New Updates - We will keep the indicator running smoothly so we will periodically send you a new update to it. & # 8211؛ Live Trade Calls - We add in our members area a live trade idea that is based on one of our 15+ current trading strategies that located in the members area. & # 8211؛ Alert/Notifications - The indicator will send you an alert or a notification to your smartphone instantly! & # 8211؛ Trading Support and Coaching - One of our experienced traders will chat with you via email or other means of communication to answer any of your trading questions! & # 8211؛ Special Discounts - We offer all of our members special discounts on other products. & # 8211؛ Private Access to the Members Area - Here, you can check our live trade calls, review all of the special trading reports, check on past alerts, and much more to come!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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Only One more day left to get your CTI indicator at a 40% discount.

Below is a very useful feature our CTI members enjoy most:↓

What the indicator allows you to do is manually draw a channel. Once you click that button you can draw the channel anywhere on the chart!

This indicator is packed with many other unique features that you will not find anywhere else…

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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This Three Part Training Course is designed to dramatically boost profits immediately – and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend,

Hello fellow trader,

How would you like to make $500 a week trading the markets?

How about $5,000 a week?

We are going to show you how in our training course that will start on October 18th, 2017.

We just implemented a new technique that we want to teach you.

We’re both proud and excited to announce that we’re launching a brand new Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W36v2Pf7pC0bhVQ1BV87NXbRG0 ) , and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend!

We specifically designed this course to dramatically boost your profits immediately.

Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is available:

Better hurry, enrollment spots are extrememly limited!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

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Learn more about our Three-Part Mastery Training Course – only available for enrollment this weekend,

We hope you weekend has been great so far!

Here are a few questions we wanted to ask you right now:

& # 8211؛ Do you want to make extra money trading with simple and easy-to-follow techniques? & # 8211؛ Do you desire to earn extra money for retirement while still working your job? & # 8211؛ Is your goal is to become a full time trader?

& # 8211؛ Is your goal is to earn money?

& # 8211؛ Do you want to have freedom and more time to control your own schedule?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then our brand new Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6lJF4J2R7C-PW5M6mBm683YjX0 ) is for you!

We’ve just just implemented a new technique that we’d love to teach you. Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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We’re very excited to offer you enrollment – available for a limited time.

We’ve specifically formatted our NEW Mastery Course in a three part training module to allow each and every market trader the ability to learn at their own pace and not be overwhelmed.

We are going to talk specifically about each market structure and why the strategies we use are so powerful.

Find out if this Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6056-h8-Ck8yW7Tf7sj9j1yxR0 ) is for you! Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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There’s a litany of reasons why we think our Master Class Training Course is right for you. Here are a few highlights.

Hello again traders,

We’re so excited to offer you limited enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course that we wanted to fill you in on what to expect:

-A 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

But surely the cost of enrollment in our Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4kkQFB5BNgk4Lcxs4XQzMC0 ) would have to be astronomical? (We’ll give you a hint: It’s not. It’s a mere fraction of the total accumulated value you see here.) Click below to enroll for one amazing low price while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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The window to enroll in this amazing opportunity is closing, don’t miss out and get left behind. Join your fellow traders now.

صباح الخير التجار،

The window of opportunity to enroll in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4HJcKh8RYw_QF4q9_cdHm3Y0 ) is rapidly closing.

Throughout our course:

We want to show you exactly how to identify trends and how we trade with the trends.

We want to show you how to find the trend change before other traders.

We want to show you how to find entries using the trend reversal techniques we learned.

And as an added bonus we want to show you when and where to exit immediately following the strategies we will provide to you.

Just one of these 1 hr sessions is valued at $600! Click below to enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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We wanted to make sure you know that our Five Candle Mastery Indicator is available to you now for a special price..

Its available to you on these different trading platforms:

Meta Trader 4 & Meta Trade 5.

Ninja Trader 7 & Ninja Trader 8.

This indicator will show you results because the strategy simply works!

We are throwing in the strategy report free for you! That is a $99 Value!

If you need anything from us we will make sure we answer all of your questions! Please email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

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Enrollment in our amazing new Mastery Course ends tonight, we can only extend the offer to so many – don’t miss your chance!

We only have one Goal: to make you a great trader. So we are offering you our Master Class Trader Guarantee. We guarantee that our class will deliver the training you need to become a great trader.

We’ve held nothing back in this training in order to ensure that you will learn the secrets of a trading master, and are confident that you will emerge a better trader than you are today.

Don’t miss this opportunity, click below learn more and enroll before we stop accepting new students tonight:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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This is your last chance to enroll in our 3-Part Mastery Course, enrollment closes in just a few hours. Act Fast!

We wanted to remind you that enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W7XtKWY5kCm2bW1KlRWm1VpJQN0 ) ends in just a few hours!

We’re so grateful to have been able to extend this amazing offer to our trading community – an in-depth Master Class divided into three modules, with a bonus fourth module at no additional cost – for 94% lower than its accumulated value, but enrollment ends at midnight!

Act fast to enroll and gain access to all of this for just $197:

-The 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-The 30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

This is your last chance to become the master trader you’ve always wanted to be! Click below before enrollment is closed:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

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دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

RSI Trading Strategy: The RSI 80-20.

شكرا للتحقق من 80-20 استراتيجية التداول التي تستخدم مؤشر القوة النسبية، وتحليل حركة السعر إلى الأرض لك إدخالات التجارة كبيرة! This RSI trading strategy is effective as the rsi 2 trading strategy that Larry Connor developed, however, this strategy strictly trades reversals that occur the last 50 candles. The 80-20 RSI Trading Strategy is used as a RSI stock strategy, RSI forex strategy, and a RSI options strategy. We will discuss many things in this article like, rsi vs stochastic indicator and why both indicators are great to trade with, stochastic RSI oscillator trading systems, stochastic RSI setting, 5 day RSI strategy, connors rsi strategy, and binary options strategy that works with the rsi indicator.

If you want the Free RSI pdf trading strategy guide to this Strategy tap here and we will give it to you for FREE.

We also will discuss an indicator we have developed that uses this strategy to give you easy entries and exit points.

This strategy will identify a break of a trend and take advantage of the movement to the opposite direction. (Kind of like our Trend Breaker Strategy)

In this article, I am going to be showing you a simple trading strategy using the RSI indicator. You are going to benefit from this strategy by learning to trade divergence, and find a low risk way to sell near the top or buy near the bottom of a trend.

Forex Trading Indicator Used for Strategy.

The RSI indicator is one of the most popular indicators used by traders in any market (stocks, forex, futures, options).

What is the RSI (Relative Strength Indicator)? This indicator was developed by Welles Wilder around 1978 when it quickly became one of the most popular oscillator indicators for traders in financial markets. This momentum indicator can fluctuates between 0 and 100 providing overbought and oversold signals. The formula for this indicator is a bit complex:

I could explain this whole process to you, however, I will spare you the details. I just wanted to share this with the mathematicians that are reading this who enjoy seeing equations. You can do a quick google search if you would like to learn more about this..

Forex Trading Indicator Settings.

The default settings for this indicator is a smoothing period of 14. We are going to change that setting to 8 . Make sure you change this setting before you jump into this strategy. The reason I like 8 rather than 14, is that the RSI will be much more responsive for us which is very important when are looking for overbought or oversold price areas. Also go ahead into the RSI setting and change the lines in the indicator to 80, 20 . سوف تتعلم المزيد عن هذا لاحقا.

This indicator will be the only indicator we use for this strategy. The reason we only use this, is because we have a strict set of rules we need to follow before we can enter a trade. And these rules will, without a doubt, validate a reversal for us to enter a trade.

So before you want to use this strategy make the following changes to the RSI indicator:

14 time period, to 8.

70 and 30 lines, to 80 and 20.

This indicator comes standards on mostly all trading platforms. You just need to make these adjustment to this.

رسي استراتيجية التداول.

Step One: Find the currency pair that is showing a high the last 50 candlesticks. (OR low depending on the trade)

The 80-20 Trading strategy can be used with any time period.

The reason for that, is that there are reversals of trends in every time period. So this can be a swing trade, day trade, or a scalping trade. As long as it follows the rules it is a valid trade.

The only thing we need to make sure of in this current step is that it is the low or the high the last 50 candles.

Below is an example:

Note** We will use this same example to explain this strategy. This is a USDCHF currency pair and will be a BUY trade.

Once we determine this low or high then we can move on to the next step.

I drew vertical lines on the chart so that you can see the 50 candle low that we identified.

If you need to use horizontal lines on your chart to verify that candle has closed the lowest the last 50 you can do so. This is not necessary but may be helpful for you to do and see how strong the trend is.

Step Two: When we find 50 candle low, it needs to be coupled with RSI reading 20 or lower. (If it’s a high it needs to be coupled with the RSI reading 80 or higher.)

Below we have a reading that hit the 20 line on the RSI and was the low the last 50 candles.

Once we see that we had a low, the last 50 candles AND the RSI is BELOW 20 then we can move on the the next step.

Remember that this strategy is a reversal strategy. It is going to be breaking the current trend and moving the other direction.

Step Three : Wait for a second price (low candle) to close after the first one that we already identified.

The second price low must be below the first low but the RSI indicator must provide a higher signal than the first one.

Remember, divergence can be seen by comparing price action and the movement of an indicator.

If the price is making higher highs, the oscillator should also be making higher highs. If price is making lower lows, the oscillator should also be making lower lows.

If they are not, that means price and the oscillator are diverging from each other.

Which is why it’s called “divergence.”

Just because you see a divergence, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should automatically jump in with a position.

We have rules in place that will capitalize on this divergence, so that we can make a great profit.

Keep in mind, that this step may take a bit to develop. It is very important to wait for this second low because it get you in a better position to make a trade.

This sounds a bit complex, but think of it like this for our example we are using:

Price goes down/RSI goes up. That is the Divergence.

Remember, that our example is a current downtrend looking to break to the upside. If this was a 50 candle high we would be looking for the exact opposite with this step.

With that said, let’s take a look at our chart,

Once this criteria has been met we can go ahead and look for an entry because the charts are showing us that a reversal is soon coming.

Step Four: How to Enter the Trade with the RSI Trading Strategy.

The way you enter a trade is actually very simple.

You wait for the price to head in the direction of the trade and wait for a candle to close above the first candle that you identified that was previous 50 candle low.

Save this picture for reference, if are struggling with this step. This will guide you when you look for a trade.

Step five: Once you make you entry, place stop loss.

To place your stop bump back 1-3 time periods and find a good level to place your stop that makes logical sense. So you are looking for prior resistance, support.

We placed our stop below this support area. That way if the trend continued and did not break it could hit this level and bounce back up in our direction.

I recommend you follow at least a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level. This will ensure that you are maximizing your potential to get the most out of this strategy. You can adjust as you wish, but most good strategies that identify breaks of a trend use a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level.

To recap, Here are the rules of the strategy:

If you have a questions or comments about this trading strategy you may reach us at info@tradingstrategyguides.

If you would like to see another great strategy go ahead and check out the Parabolic SAR + Moving Average Strategy.

The RSI Trading Strategy is great and is fairly simple to learn, however counting 50 candles is a bit monotonous which is one of the many reasons why we developed the EFC indicator that trades this strategy for you!

Check out the EFC Indicator we developed that trades the RSI 80-20 strategy for you!

Tap on the Image to Learn more!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

Please Share this RSI 80-20 Trading Strategy Below and keep it for your own personal use! شكرا التجار!

For this strategy 80-20 trading strategy, what is the best time frame use to calculate 50 candle for the step. Is it 1 min , 5 min , 15 min TF. Please i need your advise. شكرا لكم. Rosli Hamsan Malaysia.

For the 80-20 strategy, i did use my own strategy by changing the indicator setting . I am using 2 period setting , 5 and maintain the 14 period. I add in the level from 70,60,50,40 and 30. The 5 period (mark yellow) and 14 (mark blue). The 5 period will show the entry buy or sell when crossing the 14 from bottom or down. Again the level 60 and 40 will indicate to open buy or sell. But sometimes i can’t sure if the trend is up or down. I just add in to my chart the currency strength power indicator and make a decision to enter trade base on the current strength. But your 80-20 strategy is something additional knowledge to me and many thanks to you for this strategy and can be very useful in my daily trade. شكرا لكم.

What unique feature do you want to see most in a Trading Indicator?

In my point of view the most important feature of the indicator is to predict (with high percentage of accuracy)of the reversal point or zone (either over bought or over sold)

For sure, reversals are a great way to trade the market!

%probability for a successful trade.

I really think that this indicator will be extremely valuable because in my experience reversals are one of my most profitable trades and I it can be a real pain trying to find it on the charts, this is exactly what I have been looking for.

Absolutely Casey! Thanks for commenting.. Its always a pleasure hearing from a professional trader!

An indicator which shows the supply and demand zones in all timeframes (but especially the longer ones) would really be useful. شكر.

Four hour, Daily, weekly time frame reversal trades are huge! If only there was an indicator that would show you an accurate way to trade these consistently 🙂

It’s an interesting strategy. I’d like to know if you have any percentage of success information from backtesting.

We have back tested the indicator and it did show us great trade entries and exit points. We are not promising 100% it will be correct, because as a trader, you are ultimately the one that decides to trade or not 😉

For me any good indicator needs to provide reliable forecasts. Example: If C=A+B, then we are sure if we are expecting that C appears, it requires that first of all appears A+B, and we will take no action if just appears either A, or B. In other words, when we see the pattern of A+B, we are sure that C will follow. (Note:Perhaps this won’t happen 100% of the time, but the more it approaches the ideal 100%, the more reliable it becomes.)

No strategy is 100% I totally agree. But if you have a system with a strict set of rules you follow that more often then not will produce profitable trades, then you are on the right track! Its that constant “tweaking” that makes a trader become good to great!

People in nature over think and over complicate things. Trading can be simple but some common sense has to be used. Price action is king which is proven over and over again. I believe in simple charts and with what I see you guys have developed looks incredible which doesn’t repaint which is crucial and this fullfills all the above I just mentioned which is so important in all aspects of trading. A great development from a great company.

شكر! Our philosophy is to make things more simple then what they need to be. https://uploads. disquscdn/images/4bf2a9fbbaaf418a1e94a04b5683b382d672a7b72bec921e98d0cf95974e50d2.png We see stuff like this from so called “gurus” and shake our heads. There is no need put that many indicators/lines on your charts! We hope our indicator will make peoples lives easier when searching for reversal trades.

I am a new trader and at times one is so confused with so maby stratrgies out there. I have however enjoyed reading this strategy you have posted here. Am going to change my settings to see if I understan it. Regards Shads.

Great to hear, let us know how it goes 🙂

Ineresting article! But I still find the strategy somewhat complicated. Well, why count till to 50 bars and what is the logic behind this? Then, why not 20, 15, 30 or so…? Did you bactest it or trade it live? أخبرونى من فضلكم.

https://uploads. disquscdn/images/ec600f37518416a0342e6f18e06f8a3be172c265128613e693d9a4811dd7fbaa. png The indicator will make it much easier for everyone to use the strategy. This line will always stay on your chart 50 candles back so there is not a tedious process of counting candles all the time. To answer your question about why we chose 50, the last 50 candles are still meaningful on your charts on any time frame. If there is a reversal to take place, more often then not there was a strong uptrend/downtrend the last 50 candles so its prime for a huge reversal when our indicator is triggered based off of this strategy!


Answer for the competition.

I would like to see an indicator that can accurately indicate the daily bars high & أدنى مستوياته.

Great, that would be a nice feature in an indicator. شكرا على التعليق!

I want an indicator that accurately shows when to enter/exit.

I think that I might like this, after I realize how it works ( initiate a trade)

Well Oteng, if there ever was an indicator that can do that, I tell you human traders would be obsolate or never needed again in trading. Brokers will cease to be in business and there won’t be anyone on the other side to take one’s trades. Or still the banks and big institutions with the money will still get their hands on it and put a way premium price on it to make it impossible for retail traders like you and me to get it. It will be a secret weapon and they’ll use it to still beat us to the game.

Keep the comments coming guys! Remember we are giving away access to three of these special indicators on friday! Everyone who has commented so far is entered into the contest!

When the bar closes – no more repaint. No signals 3,7 or 10 bars back. Easy to spot (simple chart). If additional filters is needed, then why not let the indicator do the work and only show the good signals? I like a very high winning rate and I like the up/down movement to start very soon after signal is shown. If it works on all timeframes and all markets it is also good. To put it short: I want the indicator to do most of the calculations for me.

I would like this indicator to identify with high probability the important SR / structure levels also relevant to multiple timeframes. So are the RZs based on that ?

Just thinking out loud that if we need to couple the RSI with the high or low of the last 50 bars we should be looking for the over bought or over sold 80/20 first then find the high or low of price ? استراتيجية لطيفة. I also liked your fractal strat. Thanks for all the great ideas. Tommy.

Whichever one comes first. You need to have both elements (high the last 50 candles or low the last 50 candles coupled with divergence in price action with the rsi) to meet the rules of the trade. Then obviously make the trade when the price action goes above or below that first identified candle.

I have never been a RSI fan, prefer stochastic and MACD, but this looks like a nice twist using it with Price Action – سأعطيها محاولة. With regards to previous comments about win rates, the Holy Grail is not the win rate but it is the Money Management. With the correct money management system in place you can make good profits from winning just 40% of the time – anything better is a bonus. I like the clarity of your presentations, keep up the good work.

Thanks, great advice Graham! Without properly managing your money, you are doomed to fail at the start.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies, I am now finally starting to make some good profits this last 3 weeks.

keep up this excellent work.

Great to hear Sam!

Congratulations Sam! We selected you to receive a free EFC indicator! Contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides and we will send you your information!

Hi Guys, this looks like some sort of reversal/breakout strategy. Looks interesting, and I look forward to learning more on Friday. On the subject of what I look for in a strategy, I look for a system that is “as simple as possible, but no simpler”, as some guy with a strange haircut who should have gone to Specsavers reportedly once said! Seriously, if a strategy is too complicated, it just will not get used. Better to trade a simpler system repeatedly, even if it means the returns are not quite as good as the really complex system. But hey, that’s just me!

Right… no need to over complicate things. If you like a mess on your charts and understand them then great, but most traders would most likely agree that simple or even “naked” charts (price action strategies) work best for them.

Thanks, going on 10 years of losing…have been trying to make my own system with the “Color-Coded Bars” & # 8211؛ you “beat” me to it – Looking Good! God Bless you richly!

PDF file available:

“Basic Distinctions” In God’s Two.

(2) Different Programs!

🙂 Its a nice feature. Thanks for your response!

Is there a way to show on the charts the last 50 periods. Even a line that is plotted 50 periods prior and moves along as each period moves forward. Also, has anyone tested as to which timeframe this strategy works best for. I’m a relatively new trader so any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.

We like seeing entries triggered on either the 30 minute time frame or the hour time chart.

wow super strategy 🙂 good job.

An indicator needs to be visually unambiguous especially for the entries/exits. Combining reversals with a look back for previous market tensions is good. One vital feature for an indicator is that used profitably and frequently the price action it is revealing to the user becomes so familiar that you learn to read the market without the indicator.

An interesting strategy thanks guys that I will try this evening.

You asked what I would like in an indicator? There is no Holy Grail as most already know, but something that would create a solid indication of where to enter and exit a trade, along with it confirming a trending market.

Although what I would REALLY like in an indicator is a two armed, two legged one that would mentor me – helping me to be much more confident when I pull the trigger and not dither like my nana, and when to bale on a trade, and to walk with me as I trade for a period to guide me in my approach. To make me a professional trader and not a wannabe trader. How can I bolt one of these onto my MT4?

Really liking your blogs, please keep them going 🙂

PS: No disrespect to any nana’s out there, but OMG ask mine to make a decision and you need to sit down and make a cup of tea to give her time – a hereditary trait it seems. Cup of tea anyone? 🙂

Hello, strategy is built on simplicity, which I personally prefer. Definitely I try tomorrow, looking forward to the novelty will be interesting: D.

Divergence with RSI alone seems like something that I can do with…it is a bit more confusing now as a stand alone indicator as I was trading Divergence so far with MacD & RSI compared with price action. Maybe this keep it simple method is the ONE we’ve been waiting for.

Hopefully so Freddie! We think its very powerful from our experience testing this indicator!

If the EFC Indicator’s basic premise is to clarify which way to trade and WHEN, I’d see that as being halfway there. Married to a sane breakeven philosophy, it would restore the below average retail trader’s faith in ultimately getting to the positive side of the ledger….. for a change.

This looks really good. Just what a newbie needs to improve understanding and results, Thank you for your efforts.

always love reading your post.

Love the strategies you guys post this 80,20 strategy is very simple to apply and wit a little patience to wait for the rules to be met i can see this strategy can be very profitable. Thanks guys for taking time to trace.

Looks like a winner.

We hope you will like it!

Any indicator showing me a definite reversal.

The EFF Indicator sounds great keen to try it out when it’s available.

Looking forward to reviewing your new to be released indicator. You have a good track record of putting out good easy to understand strategies that are profitable. The bar is set high!

I’d like to see you backtest using a smaller stop loss rather than the obvious one. I am much more interested in lower drawdown rather than a high winning percentage. I prefer to trade daily and 4 hour charts. How well does your indicator perform on these historically?

شكرا للمشاركة!

Just me but like lot of comments, I’ve been through the indicator jungle. Settled on a few custom ones via ThinkorSwim. What I like about this EFC indicator is it seems to incorporate candle coloration of a temperature kind. Follows a logic hot to lukewarm to cool.

I use a form of colored candles thru TOS and anxious to see how EFC handles over various timeframes and intraday/daily. In heat of.

the day it can’t easy to get twisted around when money on the line so a ‘fast glance’ 4 color system really helps. Should go well with the many strategies you’ve offered.

I think you are going to love it then based off of your kind comments 🙂 Thanks!

This is just the strategy of trading that I recently stumbled upon as I examined several chart formation and changes in trend both short term and long term. Your indicator will serve a great purpose of automatically finding those spots of change and making trading a delight that it should be!

thanks for all your great strategies.

I look forward to trying it.

Please don’t sell it via Clickbank, JVZOO or Clicksure. Their new policies on refunders mean that many of us (in fact almost all of us in my Skype Group) have been blacklisted for refunding scamster indies and EA’s.

John what type of skype group do you run?

I don’t run it. It’s called YTR (ex “Your Trading Room” and Vertue Traders (both were scam defunctionary – the principals evaporated and the trainee prop traders were left in the lurch – having paid many thousands). Australian regulator ASIC is totally toothless and disinterested in retail trader scams.

Oh yes I remember that group. Terrible to see that happen, hopefully some of the traders were able to continue and find success in your trading.

We can send you a paypal link directly, John. شكرا على التعليق!

Really looking forward to getting this indicator. Just one question relating to last 50 candles, I presume it is last 50 or more candles and not necessarily exactly 50 candles back? Very grateful for all the great training! يوحنا.

Looking forward to a great indicator.

Best to keep the non-strategy candles and chart features as monochromatic (i. e. black and white or grey against a white background) so that, during a trawl through the charts and time-frames, the sudden colour inject into the picture is much more instantaneously attention-getting.

Ok – I jumped in and bought the indicator – it looks just like the example below. My only disappointment is the candles don’t “stay” so if you leave and want to check back later the trade disappears once TP target is hit. Also the TP line is not always visible on the chart while the trade is in progress….and it doesn’t “paint” in arrears for visual back-testing – so you need to be “in the moment” to “see” how the trade pans out – I’m not sure how to find the TP line if you can see it – you may be able to open the “objects” and see the value there and enter that number into your trade….Thoughts?

If you click and drag on the vertical scale on the right you should be able to find the TP.

I think you have a great informative site, so keep up the good work but the proof is always in the pudding.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies……..

RSI is a simple indicator. With your trading strategy, it will be good to develop the system rather than manually plotting and looking at the conditions.

I like this strategy just what I have been looking for thanks very much for your hard work .

Best Regards Graham.

I need an indicator of RSI that can works together with Supply & Demand (SND) and gives combined signal as 1 dot with text ” entry buy or sell ” وأمبير. also the take profit levels ( TP 1 or TP 2 ) based on Fibonacci level like 161.8 & إلخ

Being as a Full Time Trader (FTT), trend is very important to me. It will show me very clear where my destination is. For good and sharp entry, i need a firm and precise momentum indicator. Combination both of these will definately give me a very good trading strategy. For RSI, i rely on this setup:

Level 50: Trend Indicator (above for uptrend and vice versa)

Level 20/80: Momentum Indicator ( entry and exit point)

It seem this system have both of it. And been translated into much more easier and friendly way for any type of trader. It just that as an additional, these system need to be equipment with any other supporting trend indicator in order to identify the market is trending or ranging.. As for myself i use MA Channel to support this trading system.

A good, precise, sharp and user friendly trading system. Congratulation to the developer.

Interesting, adding this to my arsenal would definitely help my trades.

The 80 20 rule looks great, i`m big fan of RSI, i think the EFC looks a big advantage in visualising the rules for evaluation & entry. I have 2 suggestions for indicators, the first would be an addition to EFC of coloured box which measures back 50 periods and set to max min price for that 50 period rather like price channel does although not chopping around like price channel , that box could then indicate a potential breakout of price action with the aid of a spot or arrow or change of bar colour. I also like the idea of keeping non essential bars of neutral colour. I think the main indicator i would to have available for MT4 is market profile based on volume showing the POC and min max of key price area. Watched a wonderful demonstration of this yesterday in a webinar but it is not designed for MT4. That`s my 2 penny worth but do keep up the great ethos that you have as it`s so refreshing compared to those companies that see us retailers as a meal ticket. Thank you, Tony.

I would like to see a rating % to succeed. It can weigh up all the factors and give a suggested probability rating so the trading can decide on his own whether or not to be conservative.

I have been using a similar rsi divergence strategy, The EFC indicator you have created looks very interesting. Though I would like the indicator be able to be customized, RSI period, RSI high/low levels, R:R levels, entry points (aggresive(when change to blue), conservative(when crosses 50 bar line)), last bar count adjustment and that a multi time frame alert to your mobil be available. Also would like to have the option to see the price action of the yellow, blue, green/red bars, at this moment they are covered. Finally, some divergent patterns are more stronger than others, so maybe an indication of the divergence strengh, especially if the upper timeframes are in divergence. Again, the EFC indicator looks very promising, just shared my thought of it could be even greater for my personal use. Thanks for the good work.

Much gratitude for this beautifully simple and straightforward reversal strategy, very clear and easy to follow explanation from start to finish….can’t wait to test it once markets open up again after the weekend.

I want an indicator to be consistent. And consistent based on reliability, not necessarily a % of wins. Once an indicator fails to be reliable, it is doomed for me. But if it is reliable, I trust it and it becomes a valuable asset.

On your question about the unique feature I’d love to see in an indicator, what I’d love to see in an indication is an additional feature to auto-trade, i. e enter the trade when the entry conditions are met. You only have to set lot size and put it on auto trade. This way, it can enter the trade and then send you an alert of trade entry, and you can then look at it and set your stop loss, trailing stop and take profit levels. Alternatively you can indicate take profit and stop loss levels in terms of percentage or pips as well as the lot size lot. This will really be cool.

I would like to add an alert that shows the high or low of the last 50 candles and meets the criteria of the 80/20 break rule. In this way we are able to begin the analysis and wait for proper entry in advance. شكرا لكم.

The most important feature for me would be to get consistent results under all market conditions, i. e. reliability that can be trusted at all times.

استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام. Have used RSI to verify what price action is telling me, but not with 50 period low or high. Fakeouts are a big problem. I’ll try this strategy.

What I look forward to seeing on an indicator is one that would be able to help me avoid chop, Most indicators are able to get one into or out of trade but are just dumb when it come to market chop. So my ideal indicator would be able to give me warning of the beginnings of a chop.

I personally enjoy Simple graphical type indicators like arrows and bars changing colors to tell me which way to take my next trade. شكرا لكم.

Would like an indicator that doesn’t lag with high reliability with in terms of generating entry signals with minimal false positives.

I am grateful for your Trading strategy guides RSI divergence strategy. It is a no holy grail but coupled with a sensible money management and understanding of price action, it definitely indicates the picks and troughs of the rhythm of the market. My advise is, even when there is a confirmed divergence between RSI and price, buy signals in an uptrend and sell in a downtrend. Thanks for educating us. بارك الله.

I have been back testing this strategy for the last week. Ooooh… what can I say IMPRESSIVE.

Awesome George! أبقه مرتفعاً!

I look forward to trying it.

عظيم! We look forward to helping you.

Thanks for sharing great strategies. Will be trying this soon.

About indicator is there a pop-up alert when signal triggered?

About indicator is there a popup alert when candle change color?

Good money management make good profits and thanx for the great presentation.

نود أن نطلعكم على بعض المعلومات المهمة حول دليل إستراتيجية التداول ونحن نسير قدما نحو هدفنا لمساعدة 1،000،000 من التجار في العثور على إستراتيجية تناسبهم بشكل أفضل.

نريد منك أن تفهم تماما من نحن كموقع تربوي تعليمي & # 8230؛

التدريب والاستراتيجيات المجانية نحن نقدم كل أسبوع & # 8230؛

سوف نرسل العديد من استراتيجيات التداول الحرة لتعلم وتطبيق نظام التداول الخاص بك على الفور & # 8230؛

فريقنا يجمع كمية هائلة من المعلومات ويأتي مع بعض من أبسط وأسهل استراتيجيات التداول لمتابعة كل أسبوع.

نحن متحمسون للغاية للقيام بذلك بالنسبة لك لأننا نحب مساعدة الناس على النجاح الذين هم جادين في التداول.

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على معظم ما يصل إلى أحدث المعلومات التي نقدمها من الأرجح أفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك الآن هو لمتابعة منا على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية التي هي:

في اللحظة التي ننشر الاستراتيجيات على بلوق لدينا، وسوف نقوم بنشرها تلقائيا إلى هذه المنصات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية بحيث يمكن أن يكون الوصول الفوري إلى استراتيجياتنا الحرة!

The EFC is now available to every trader on tradingview platform!

We want to let you know that the EFC Indicator is now live on the Tradingview Platform in additon to being on Meta Trader 4.

This version is packed with many NEW features like:

& # 8211؛ Strategy Version to Backtest the EFC…(Our Favorite)

& # 8211؛ Risk/ Reward Modification.

& # 8211؛ New Color Scheme.

& # 8211؛ Fully Customizable for Each Time Frame.

& # 8211؛ All new settings:

& # 8211؛ efc_weekend_settings. pngAnd much more that we will show you in the members area!

If Tradingview is not your prefered platform no worries! Its also available on Meta Trader 4 with a custom dashboard.

Below is a potential current EFC Trade Signal on tradingview:

EFC Trade Signal: GBPAUD.

efc weekend trade idea #1.png.

The EFC has detailed report in tradingview that will show you differnet stats and backtested results. We recommend checking this out and adjusting the EFC to your preferred settings to see if it is consistenly profitable!

Any questions let us know!

اتمنى لك نهايه اسبوع جميله!

& # 8211؛ The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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We have a great Trading Strategy we want to share with you today that we call Price Action Pin Bar Strategy.

It is simple to learn and will only take you a few minutes to read.

We have many trading strategies that we want you to learn so we will send you a few of our best trading strategies like this one in the next few days!

Our goal is to help you find a strategy that fits you best.

So if you find that this one is not for you then no worries, we have many of them!

If you have any questions please email our support staff at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

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We have a Cypher Patterns Trading Strategy that we developed a while back and we think this one you are going to enjoy!

This strategy is part of a series of harmonic pattern strategies that we have developed..

Its a great strategy for day traders and occasional scaplers.

This strategy is a little advanced so when you read it please take special note of all the important steps.

Let us know if you need anything from us!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Our MACD Trend Following Strategy is one of the best ways we have found to use this indicator consistently.

We have done a vast amount of testing with this powerful indicator and this is the strategy our team uses.

MACD indicator is the real deal and has been around for a long time!

Please feel free to email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) if you have any suggestions or comments.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Something new is being released to market traders next week. Hint ==> its awesome!

We want you to have one of our most popular strategy guides we ever developed on our blog…

For free of course 🙂

We also wanted to announce that we have some super exciting coming out in a few short days that will help you trade this strategy like a pro..

You are going to want to check this out, trust us 🙂

So when you click the button below you will see instanly what that new release is and what we have planned for you in the next few days…

Let us know what you think of the strategy and if you are pumped to see what we have coming soon…

ملاحظة Tomorrow there will be an email from us that will show you in a video what we developed for you guys! Stay tuned for this and more!!

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Mark you calendars, a new indicator is coming!

So the cat is out of the bag…

We developed a new indicator and let’s just say, it’s super cool and very powerful!

Go ahead and watch a short video we made for you that will explain how it works:

You will also learn of a new contest which means that we are going to giving one of these indicators away one lucky contestant(s) for FREE!!

Don’t wait any longer go ahead and watch this short Day #2 Sneak Peek Video we made for you that will give you some more info about this powerful new indicator we developed.

Thanks for the continued support!

Have a great weekend traders,

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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One tweak to a single strategy could boost profits immediately.

Have you ever tried tweaking your strategy before when you saw that you were consistently losing over and over again?

Well we know we have been there and what happened recently when we tweaked our Parabolic SAR strategy was a complete game changer…..

This is some good stuff that every trader can relate.

So tomorrow will be the day we are going to be opening up the cart to our members!

So members be ready, all others we will let you know tomorrow when the cart will open up for you as well:)

Have a great day…

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

ملاحظة Remember to watch yesterday’s video and enter our contest to get this indicator for free. === وGT. Go here to enter (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W5tWhCn8kpfd4W8Tm3Jn5mk8qp0 ) … If you already entered then no need to do so again, we have you marked down on our list! Winners will be annoounced tomorrow! It’s almost time for this new indicator to be launched, trader!

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Did you know we have a powerful indicator we call the Big Three that has a combonation of three of the most poweful indicator developed all packed into one indicator.

imageAbove is a Snapshot of the indicator in aciton….Learn More about the Big Three Indicator (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W3NFy0F6_wdL9W78t2k-2y7LQK0 ) If you have any questions for us please let us know!

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We wanted to reveal the winner of the contest!

Today the Simple SAR has been released to our members and so far, they are loving it!

One of our Members told us this,

“I just tweaked mine to 25 TP 30 SL and it is knocking it out of the park”

Our members get early access to everything new we have so don’t be upset because next time you can get your early access when you are a member 🙂

To see who we chose as a winner of this contest click below.

When the clock strikes 0 the page will redirect to where you can get your very own so we recommend you bookmark this page!

نحن نتطلع الى الاستماع منك!

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Our dellux bonus package is going away in a few days!

These signals are a premium service and we have been offering them for a long time now..

But times are changing and this bonus will be going away soon as we move forward..

If you want to see exactly why you should take advantage of this bonus offer while it is still available go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*Vd-Xrt5qsj-jN5pPPV7czf5q0 )

Thanks for all of the kind comments and feedback you guys have sent our way!


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We just wanted to remind you again that we are going live today to talk about our indicator, strategy, and many other imporant topics we wanted to discuss with you about.

We look forward to seeing you there and being involved with us.

If you want to know the exact details go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W7r6CCR8Z-XKTVClm1H3TDtcP0 )

Keep in mind that if you have any questions for us you let us know now as we will be busy getting ready for our live webinar in a couple hours!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We are live right now!

Leave us a comment so we know you are there 🙂

We look forward to showing you the strategy live and talk about some other bonus offers we have for you today for joining us.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Today is the last day you will hear about our new indicator (Simple SAR)

After today not only will the big bonus we told you about is going but also you chance to get access to this indicator for quite some time.

It may be 6, 9, even 12 months before we open up the cart to this indicator again!

So if you want access to this and all of the powerful bonuses we are throwing in you need to get it today!

As always, our support team is here to help you. We are dedicated to help you find a solution to your trading problems.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We know you have been tuning into our special Simple SAR Sale i’m sure some of you might be tired of hearing about it but we truly believe this is one of the best indicators you will find on the Marketplace..

Plus we have so many Special Bonus offers that this indicator will pay for itself instanly!

So we are letting you know this one final time before the sale goes away forever and you will never see an offer like this again.

You will see instanly just how valuable this indicator is and why we have been showing you the power of a system like our Simple SAR.

So This is your final warning.

We are closing at midnight.

No questions ask.

Get it now because this offer ends immediately at MIDNIGHT.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We have a Powerful Indicator that trades channels consistently…

The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

Here are the benefits of the CTI Indicator.

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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We just recently published a new strategy on our blog!

Come check it out:

The Pitchfork trading system in an old forgotten trading technique that projects potential support and resistance lines.

The Pitchfork trading system can be applied to all time frames and generally to every kind of market so, no matter of your trading style and your preferred time frame you’re pretty much covered.

Let us know if you like the strategy by commenting!

Thanks, have a great day.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

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We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

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We just wanted to let you know that we have a new strategy on our blog that uses the Elliot wave theory to take trades consistently accurate on any time frame or market.

Above is the exact rules of the strategy that you can read and save for your personal use!

We hope this helps so let us know if we should continue to do this for you guys in the comments 🙂

Enjoy your free strategy that our team put together for you and we hope these are helping you grow as a trader.


- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

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نأمل أن يكون لديك عظيم الاثنين!

حتى اليوم هو يوم كولومبوس وبما أننا نود أن تفعل صفقات الخصم في عطلة خاصة كنا نريد أن نقدم لك خصم 40٪ على مؤشر كتي لدينا!

سوف مؤشر كتي تلقائيا لرسم القنوات على كل إطار زمني (إذا كان هناك قناة فايلد) & # 8230؛

هنا هو في الواقع نظرة حية في ميتا التاجر 4 الإصدار:

يبدو أن الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار قد كسر قناة من ثلاثة أطر زمنية مختلفة.

أثار هذا المؤشر وأظهرت اثنين من إدخالات شراء كبيرة!

واحد من استراحة السابقة للقناة والثانية على الاختراق الحالي لهذه القناة التي تم رسمها لك.

انها بسيطة على هذا النحو!

هذا المؤشر معبأة مع العديد من الميزات الفريدة التي لن تجد في أي مكان آخر & # 8230؛

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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أردنا فقط أن نذكركم بأننا نقدم مؤشر كتي لدينا بسعر 40٪ من سعر مخفض!

& # 8211؛ The CTI Trading Indicator. This indicator will show you the channel, the break, and when to enter based on the Famous Rabbit Trail Trading Strategy. & # 8211؛ Access to Every Trading Strategy - You get incredible free access to all of our trading reports that we store in our vault. & # 8211؛ New Updates - We will keep the indicator running smoothly so we will periodically send you a new update to it. & # 8211؛ Live Trade Calls - We add in our members area a live trade idea that is based on one of our 15+ current trading strategies that located in the members area. & # 8211؛ Alert/Notifications - The indicator will send you an alert or a notification to your smartphone instantly! & # 8211؛ Trading Support and Coaching - One of our experienced traders will chat with you via email or other means of communication to answer any of your trading questions! & # 8211؛ Special Discounts - We offer all of our members special discounts on other products. & # 8211؛ Private Access to the Members Area - Here, you can check our live trade calls, review all of the special trading reports, check on past alerts, and much more to come!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

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We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

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Only One more day left to get your CTI indicator at a 40% discount.

Below is a very useful feature our CTI members enjoy most:↓

What the indicator allows you to do is manually draw a channel. Once you click that button you can draw the channel anywhere on the chart!

This indicator is packed with many other unique features that you will not find anywhere else…

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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816 ليغونير St.

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This Three Part Training Course is designed to dramatically boost profits immediately – and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend,

Hello fellow trader,

How would you like to make $500 a week trading the markets?

How about $5,000 a week?

We are going to show you how in our training course that will start on October 18th, 2017.

We just implemented a new technique that we want to teach you.

We’re both proud and excited to announce that we’re launching a brand new Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W36v2Pf7pC0bhVQ1BV87NXbRG0 ) , and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend!

We specifically designed this course to dramatically boost your profits immediately.

Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is available:

Better hurry, enrollment spots are extrememly limited!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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Learn more about our Three-Part Mastery Training Course – only available for enrollment this weekend,

We hope you weekend has been great so far!

Here are a few questions we wanted to ask you right now:

& # 8211؛ Do you want to make extra money trading with simple and easy-to-follow techniques? & # 8211؛ Do you desire to earn extra money for retirement while still working your job? & # 8211؛ Is your goal is to become a full time trader?

& # 8211؛ Is your goal is to earn money?

& # 8211؛ Do you want to have freedom and more time to control your own schedule?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then our brand new Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6lJF4J2R7C-PW5M6mBm683YjX0 ) is for you!

We’ve just just implemented a new technique that we’d love to teach you. Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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We’re very excited to offer you enrollment – available for a limited time.

We’ve specifically formatted our NEW Mastery Course in a three part training module to allow each and every market trader the ability to learn at their own pace and not be overwhelmed.

We are going to talk specifically about each market structure and why the strategies we use are so powerful.

Find out if this Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6056-h8-Ck8yW7Tf7sj9j1yxR0 ) is for you! Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

There’s a litany of reasons why we think our Master Class Training Course is right for you. Here are a few highlights.

Hello again traders,

We’re so excited to offer you limited enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course that we wanted to fill you in on what to expect:

-A 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

But surely the cost of enrollment in our Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4kkQFB5BNgk4Lcxs4XQzMC0 ) would have to be astronomical? (We’ll give you a hint: It’s not. It’s a mere fraction of the total accumulated value you see here.) Click below to enroll for one amazing low price while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

The window to enroll in this amazing opportunity is closing, don’t miss out and get left behind. Join your fellow traders now.

صباح الخير التجار،

The window of opportunity to enroll in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4HJcKh8RYw_QF4q9_cdHm3Y0 ) is rapidly closing.

Throughout our course:

We want to show you exactly how to identify trends and how we trade with the trends.

We want to show you how to find the trend change before other traders.

We want to show you how to find entries using the trend reversal techniques we learned.

And as an added bonus we want to show you when and where to exit immediately following the strategies we will provide to you.

Just one of these 1 hr sessions is valued at $600! Click below to enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We wanted to make sure you know that our Five Candle Mastery Indicator is available to you now for a special price..

Its available to you on these different trading platforms:

Meta Trader 4 & Meta Trade 5.

Ninja Trader 7 & Ninja Trader 8.

This indicator will show you results because the strategy simply works!

We are throwing in the strategy report free for you! That is a $99 Value!

If you need anything from us we will make sure we answer all of your questions! Please email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Enrollment in our amazing new Mastery Course ends tonight, we can only extend the offer to so many – don’t miss your chance!

We only have one Goal: to make you a great trader. So we are offering you our Master Class Trader Guarantee. We guarantee that our class will deliver the training you need to become a great trader.

We’ve held nothing back in this training in order to ensure that you will learn the secrets of a trading master, and are confident that you will emerge a better trader than you are today.

Don’t miss this opportunity, click below learn more and enroll before we stop accepting new students tonight:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

This is your last chance to enroll in our 3-Part Mastery Course, enrollment closes in just a few hours. Act Fast!

We wanted to remind you that enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W7XtKWY5kCm2bW1KlRWm1VpJQN0 ) ends in just a few hours!

We’re so grateful to have been able to extend this amazing offer to our trading community – an in-depth Master Class divided into three modules, with a bonus fourth module at no additional cost – for 94% lower than its accumulated value, but enrollment ends at midnight!

Act fast to enroll and gain access to all of this for just $197:

-The 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-The 30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

This is your last chance to become the master trader you’ve always wanted to be! Click below before enrollment is closed:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

RSI Trading Strategy: The RSI 80-20.

شكرا للتحقق من 80-20 استراتيجية التداول التي تستخدم مؤشر القوة النسبية، وتحليل حركة السعر إلى الأرض لك إدخالات التجارة كبيرة! This RSI trading strategy is effective as the rsi 2 trading strategy that Larry Connor developed, however, this strategy strictly trades reversals that occur the last 50 candles. The 80-20 RSI Trading Strategy is used as a RSI stock strategy, RSI forex strategy, and a RSI options strategy. We will discuss many things in this article like, rsi vs stochastic indicator and why both indicators are great to trade with, stochastic RSI oscillator trading systems, stochastic RSI setting, 5 day RSI strategy, connors rsi strategy, and binary options strategy that works with the rsi indicator.

If you want the Free RSI pdf trading strategy guide to this Strategy tap here and we will give it to you for FREE.

We also will discuss an indicator we have developed that uses this strategy to give you easy entries and exit points.

This strategy will identify a break of a trend and take advantage of the movement to the opposite direction. (Kind of like our Trend Breaker Strategy)

In this article, I am going to be showing you a simple trading strategy using the RSI indicator. You are going to benefit from this strategy by learning to trade divergence, and find a low risk way to sell near the top or buy near the bottom of a trend.

Forex Trading Indicator Used for Strategy.

The RSI indicator is one of the most popular indicators used by traders in any market (stocks, forex, futures, options).

What is the RSI (Relative Strength Indicator)? This indicator was developed by Welles Wilder around 1978 when it quickly became one of the most popular oscillator indicators for traders in financial markets. This momentum indicator can fluctuates between 0 and 100 providing overbought and oversold signals. The formula for this indicator is a bit complex:

I could explain this whole process to you, however, I will spare you the details. I just wanted to share this with the mathematicians that are reading this who enjoy seeing equations. You can do a quick google search if you would like to learn more about this..

Forex Trading Indicator Settings.

The default settings for this indicator is a smoothing period of 14. We are going to change that setting to 8 . Make sure you change this setting before you jump into this strategy. The reason I like 8 rather than 14, is that the RSI will be much more responsive for us which is very important when are looking for overbought or oversold price areas. Also go ahead into the RSI setting and change the lines in the indicator to 80, 20 . سوف تتعلم المزيد عن هذا لاحقا.

This indicator will be the only indicator we use for this strategy. The reason we only use this, is because we have a strict set of rules we need to follow before we can enter a trade. And these rules will, without a doubt, validate a reversal for us to enter a trade.

So before you want to use this strategy make the following changes to the RSI indicator:

14 time period, to 8.

70 and 30 lines, to 80 and 20.

This indicator comes standards on mostly all trading platforms. You just need to make these adjustment to this.

رسي استراتيجية التداول.

Step One: Find the currency pair that is showing a high the last 50 candlesticks. (OR low depending on the trade)

The 80-20 Trading strategy can be used with any time period.

The reason for that, is that there are reversals of trends in every time period. So this can be a swing trade, day trade, or a scalping trade. As long as it follows the rules it is a valid trade.

The only thing we need to make sure of in this current step is that it is the low or the high the last 50 candles.

Below is an example:

Note** We will use this same example to explain this strategy. This is a USDCHF currency pair and will be a BUY trade.

Once we determine this low or high then we can move on to the next step.

I drew vertical lines on the chart so that you can see the 50 candle low that we identified.

If you need to use horizontal lines on your chart to verify that candle has closed the lowest the last 50 you can do so. This is not necessary but may be helpful for you to do and see how strong the trend is.

Step Two: When we find 50 candle low, it needs to be coupled with RSI reading 20 or lower. (If it’s a high it needs to be coupled with the RSI reading 80 or higher.)

Below we have a reading that hit the 20 line on the RSI and was the low the last 50 candles.

Once we see that we had a low, the last 50 candles AND the RSI is BELOW 20 then we can move on the the next step.

Remember that this strategy is a reversal strategy. It is going to be breaking the current trend and moving the other direction.

Step Three : Wait for a second price (low candle) to close after the first one that we already identified.

The second price low must be below the first low but the RSI indicator must provide a higher signal than the first one.

Remember, divergence can be seen by comparing price action and the movement of an indicator.

If the price is making higher highs, the oscillator should also be making higher highs. If price is making lower lows, the oscillator should also be making lower lows.

If they are not, that means price and the oscillator are diverging from each other.

Which is why it’s called “divergence.”

Just because you see a divergence, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should automatically jump in with a position.

We have rules in place that will capitalize on this divergence, so that we can make a great profit.

Keep in mind, that this step may take a bit to develop. It is very important to wait for this second low because it get you in a better position to make a trade.

This sounds a bit complex, but think of it like this for our example we are using:

Price goes down/RSI goes up. That is the Divergence.

Remember, that our example is a current downtrend looking to break to the upside. If this was a 50 candle high we would be looking for the exact opposite with this step.

With that said, let’s take a look at our chart,

Once this criteria has been met we can go ahead and look for an entry because the charts are showing us that a reversal is soon coming.

Step Four: How to Enter the Trade with the RSI Trading Strategy.

The way you enter a trade is actually very simple.

You wait for the price to head in the direction of the trade and wait for a candle to close above the first candle that you identified that was previous 50 candle low.

Save this picture for reference, if are struggling with this step. This will guide you when you look for a trade.

Step five: Once you make you entry, place stop loss.

To place your stop bump back 1-3 time periods and find a good level to place your stop that makes logical sense. So you are looking for prior resistance, support.

We placed our stop below this support area. That way if the trend continued and did not break it could hit this level and bounce back up in our direction.

I recommend you follow at least a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level. This will ensure that you are maximizing your potential to get the most out of this strategy. You can adjust as you wish, but most good strategies that identify breaks of a trend use a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level.

To recap, Here are the rules of the strategy:

If you have a questions or comments about this trading strategy you may reach us at info@tradingstrategyguides.

If you would like to see another great strategy go ahead and check out the Parabolic SAR + Moving Average Strategy.

The RSI Trading Strategy is great and is fairly simple to learn, however counting 50 candles is a bit monotonous which is one of the many reasons why we developed the EFC indicator that trades this strategy for you!

Check out the EFC Indicator we developed that trades the RSI 80-20 strategy for you!

Tap on the Image to Learn more!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

Please Share this RSI 80-20 Trading Strategy Below and keep it for your own personal use! شكرا التجار!

For this strategy 80-20 trading strategy, what is the best time frame use to calculate 50 candle for the step. Is it 1 min , 5 min , 15 min TF. Please i need your advise. شكرا لكم. Rosli Hamsan Malaysia.

For the 80-20 strategy, i did use my own strategy by changing the indicator setting . I am using 2 period setting , 5 and maintain the 14 period. I add in the level from 70,60,50,40 and 30. The 5 period (mark yellow) and 14 (mark blue). The 5 period will show the entry buy or sell when crossing the 14 from bottom or down. Again the level 60 and 40 will indicate to open buy or sell. But sometimes i can’t sure if the trend is up or down. I just add in to my chart the currency strength power indicator and make a decision to enter trade base on the current strength. But your 80-20 strategy is something additional knowledge to me and many thanks to you for this strategy and can be very useful in my daily trade. شكرا لكم.

What unique feature do you want to see most in a Trading Indicator?

In my point of view the most important feature of the indicator is to predict (with high percentage of accuracy)of the reversal point or zone (either over bought or over sold)

For sure, reversals are a great way to trade the market!

%probability for a successful trade.

I really think that this indicator will be extremely valuable because in my experience reversals are one of my most profitable trades and I it can be a real pain trying to find it on the charts, this is exactly what I have been looking for.

Absolutely Casey! Thanks for commenting.. Its always a pleasure hearing from a professional trader!

An indicator which shows the supply and demand zones in all timeframes (but especially the longer ones) would really be useful. شكر.

Four hour, Daily, weekly time frame reversal trades are huge! If only there was an indicator that would show you an accurate way to trade these consistently 🙂

It’s an interesting strategy. I’d like to know if you have any percentage of success information from backtesting.

We have back tested the indicator and it did show us great trade entries and exit points. We are not promising 100% it will be correct, because as a trader, you are ultimately the one that decides to trade or not 😉

For me any good indicator needs to provide reliable forecasts. Example: If C=A+B, then we are sure if we are expecting that C appears, it requires that first of all appears A+B, and we will take no action if just appears either A, or B. In other words, when we see the pattern of A+B, we are sure that C will follow. (Note:Perhaps this won’t happen 100% of the time, but the more it approaches the ideal 100%, the more reliable it becomes.)

No strategy is 100% I totally agree. But if you have a system with a strict set of rules you follow that more often then not will produce profitable trades, then you are on the right track! Its that constant “tweaking” that makes a trader become good to great!

People in nature over think and over complicate things. Trading can be simple but some common sense has to be used. Price action is king which is proven over and over again. I believe in simple charts and with what I see you guys have developed looks incredible which doesn’t repaint which is crucial and this fullfills all the above I just mentioned which is so important in all aspects of trading. A great development from a great company.

شكر! Our philosophy is to make things more simple then what they need to be. https://uploads. disquscdn/images/4bf2a9fbbaaf418a1e94a04b5683b382d672a7b72bec921e98d0cf95974e50d2.png We see stuff like this from so called “gurus” and shake our heads. There is no need put that many indicators/lines on your charts! We hope our indicator will make peoples lives easier when searching for reversal trades.

I am a new trader and at times one is so confused with so maby stratrgies out there. I have however enjoyed reading this strategy you have posted here. Am going to change my settings to see if I understan it. Regards Shads.

Great to hear, let us know how it goes 🙂

Ineresting article! But I still find the strategy somewhat complicated. Well, why count till to 50 bars and what is the logic behind this? Then, why not 20, 15, 30 or so…? Did you bactest it or trade it live? أخبرونى من فضلكم.

https://uploads. disquscdn/images/ec600f37518416a0342e6f18e06f8a3be172c265128613e693d9a4811dd7fbaa. png The indicator will make it much easier for everyone to use the strategy. This line will always stay on your chart 50 candles back so there is not a tedious process of counting candles all the time. To answer your question about why we chose 50, the last 50 candles are still meaningful on your charts on any time frame. If there is a reversal to take place, more often then not there was a strong uptrend/downtrend the last 50 candles so its prime for a huge reversal when our indicator is triggered based off of this strategy!


Answer for the competition.

I would like to see an indicator that can accurately indicate the daily bars high & أدنى مستوياته.

Great, that would be a nice feature in an indicator. شكرا على التعليق!

I want an indicator that accurately shows when to enter/exit.

I think that I might like this, after I realize how it works ( initiate a trade)

Well Oteng, if there ever was an indicator that can do that, I tell you human traders would be obsolate or never needed again in trading. Brokers will cease to be in business and there won’t be anyone on the other side to take one’s trades. Or still the banks and big institutions with the money will still get their hands on it and put a way premium price on it to make it impossible for retail traders like you and me to get it. It will be a secret weapon and they’ll use it to still beat us to the game.

Keep the comments coming guys! Remember we are giving away access to three of these special indicators on friday! Everyone who has commented so far is entered into the contest!

When the bar closes – no more repaint. No signals 3,7 or 10 bars back. Easy to spot (simple chart). If additional filters is needed, then why not let the indicator do the work and only show the good signals? I like a very high winning rate and I like the up/down movement to start very soon after signal is shown. If it works on all timeframes and all markets it is also good. To put it short: I want the indicator to do most of the calculations for me.

I would like this indicator to identify with high probability the important SR / structure levels also relevant to multiple timeframes. So are the RZs based on that ?

Just thinking out loud that if we need to couple the RSI with the high or low of the last 50 bars we should be looking for the over bought or over sold 80/20 first then find the high or low of price ? استراتيجية لطيفة. I also liked your fractal strat. Thanks for all the great ideas. Tommy.

Whichever one comes first. You need to have both elements (high the last 50 candles or low the last 50 candles coupled with divergence in price action with the rsi) to meet the rules of the trade. Then obviously make the trade when the price action goes above or below that first identified candle.

I have never been a RSI fan, prefer stochastic and MACD, but this looks like a nice twist using it with Price Action – سأعطيها محاولة. With regards to previous comments about win rates, the Holy Grail is not the win rate but it is the Money Management. With the correct money management system in place you can make good profits from winning just 40% of the time – anything better is a bonus. I like the clarity of your presentations, keep up the good work.

Thanks, great advice Graham! Without properly managing your money, you are doomed to fail at the start.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies, I am now finally starting to make some good profits this last 3 weeks.

keep up this excellent work.

Great to hear Sam!

Congratulations Sam! We selected you to receive a free EFC indicator! Contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides and we will send you your information!

Hi Guys, this looks like some sort of reversal/breakout strategy. Looks interesting, and I look forward to learning more on Friday. On the subject of what I look for in a strategy, I look for a system that is “as simple as possible, but no simpler”, as some guy with a strange haircut who should have gone to Specsavers reportedly once said! Seriously, if a strategy is too complicated, it just will not get used. Better to trade a simpler system repeatedly, even if it means the returns are not quite as good as the really complex system. But hey, that’s just me!

Right… no need to over complicate things. If you like a mess on your charts and understand them then great, but most traders would most likely agree that simple or even “naked” charts (price action strategies) work best for them.

Thanks, going on 10 years of losing…have been trying to make my own system with the “Color-Coded Bars” & # 8211؛ you “beat” me to it – Looking Good! God Bless you richly!

PDF file available:

“Basic Distinctions” In God’s Two.

(2) Different Programs!

🙂 Its a nice feature. Thanks for your response!

Is there a way to show on the charts the last 50 periods. Even a line that is plotted 50 periods prior and moves along as each period moves forward. Also, has anyone tested as to which timeframe this strategy works best for. I’m a relatively new trader so any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.

We like seeing entries triggered on either the 30 minute time frame or the hour time chart.

wow super strategy 🙂 good job.

An indicator needs to be visually unambiguous especially for the entries/exits. Combining reversals with a look back for previous market tensions is good. One vital feature for an indicator is that used profitably and frequently the price action it is revealing to the user becomes so familiar that you learn to read the market without the indicator.

An interesting strategy thanks guys that I will try this evening.

You asked what I would like in an indicator? There is no Holy Grail as most already know, but something that would create a solid indication of where to enter and exit a trade, along with it confirming a trending market.

Although what I would REALLY like in an indicator is a two armed, two legged one that would mentor me – helping me to be much more confident when I pull the trigger and not dither like my nana, and when to bale on a trade, and to walk with me as I trade for a period to guide me in my approach. To make me a professional trader and not a wannabe trader. How can I bolt one of these onto my MT4?

Really liking your blogs, please keep them going 🙂

PS: No disrespect to any nana’s out there, but OMG ask mine to make a decision and you need to sit down and make a cup of tea to give her time – a hereditary trait it seems. Cup of tea anyone? 🙂

Hello, strategy is built on simplicity, which I personally prefer. Definitely I try tomorrow, looking forward to the novelty will be interesting: D.

Divergence with RSI alone seems like something that I can do with…it is a bit more confusing now as a stand alone indicator as I was trading Divergence so far with MacD & RSI compared with price action. Maybe this keep it simple method is the ONE we’ve been waiting for.

Hopefully so Freddie! We think its very powerful from our experience testing this indicator!

If the EFC Indicator’s basic premise is to clarify which way to trade and WHEN, I’d see that as being halfway there. Married to a sane breakeven philosophy, it would restore the below average retail trader’s faith in ultimately getting to the positive side of the ledger….. for a change.

This looks really good. Just what a newbie needs to improve understanding and results, Thank you for your efforts.

always love reading your post.

Love the strategies you guys post this 80,20 strategy is very simple to apply and wit a little patience to wait for the rules to be met i can see this strategy can be very profitable. Thanks guys for taking time to trace.

Looks like a winner.

We hope you will like it!

Any indicator showing me a definite reversal.

The EFF Indicator sounds great keen to try it out when it’s available.

Looking forward to reviewing your new to be released indicator. You have a good track record of putting out good easy to understand strategies that are profitable. The bar is set high!

I’d like to see you backtest using a smaller stop loss rather than the obvious one. I am much more interested in lower drawdown rather than a high winning percentage. I prefer to trade daily and 4 hour charts. How well does your indicator perform on these historically?

شكرا للمشاركة!

Just me but like lot of comments, I’ve been through the indicator jungle. Settled on a few custom ones via ThinkorSwim. What I like about this EFC indicator is it seems to incorporate candle coloration of a temperature kind. Follows a logic hot to lukewarm to cool.

I use a form of colored candles thru TOS and anxious to see how EFC handles over various timeframes and intraday/daily. In heat of.

the day it can’t easy to get twisted around when money on the line so a ‘fast glance’ 4 color system really helps. Should go well with the many strategies you’ve offered.

I think you are going to love it then based off of your kind comments 🙂 Thanks!

This is just the strategy of trading that I recently stumbled upon as I examined several chart formation and changes in trend both short term and long term. Your indicator will serve a great purpose of automatically finding those spots of change and making trading a delight that it should be!

thanks for all your great strategies.

I look forward to trying it.

Please don’t sell it via Clickbank, JVZOO or Clicksure. Their new policies on refunders mean that many of us (in fact almost all of us in my Skype Group) have been blacklisted for refunding scamster indies and EA’s.

John what type of skype group do you run?

I don’t run it. It’s called YTR (ex “Your Trading Room” and Vertue Traders (both were scam defunctionary – the principals evaporated and the trainee prop traders were left in the lurch – having paid many thousands). Australian regulator ASIC is totally toothless and disinterested in retail trader scams.

Oh yes I remember that group. Terrible to see that happen, hopefully some of the traders were able to continue and find success in your trading.

We can send you a paypal link directly, John. شكرا على التعليق!

Really looking forward to getting this indicator. Just one question relating to last 50 candles, I presume it is last 50 or more candles and not necessarily exactly 50 candles back? Very grateful for all the great training! يوحنا.

Looking forward to a great indicator.

Best to keep the non-strategy candles and chart features as monochromatic (i. e. black and white or grey against a white background) so that, during a trawl through the charts and time-frames, the sudden colour inject into the picture is much more instantaneously attention-getting.

Ok – I jumped in and bought the indicator – it looks just like the example below. My only disappointment is the candles don’t “stay” so if you leave and want to check back later the trade disappears once TP target is hit. Also the TP line is not always visible on the chart while the trade is in progress….and it doesn’t “paint” in arrears for visual back-testing – so you need to be “in the moment” to “see” how the trade pans out – I’m not sure how to find the TP line if you can see it – you may be able to open the “objects” and see the value there and enter that number into your trade….Thoughts?

If you click and drag on the vertical scale on the right you should be able to find the TP.

I think you have a great informative site, so keep up the good work but the proof is always in the pudding.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies……..

RSI is a simple indicator. With your trading strategy, it will be good to develop the system rather than manually plotting and looking at the conditions.

I like this strategy just what I have been looking for thanks very much for your hard work .

Best Regards Graham.

I need an indicator of RSI that can works together with Supply & Demand (SND) and gives combined signal as 1 dot with text ” entry buy or sell ” وأمبير. also the take profit levels ( TP 1 or TP 2 ) based on Fibonacci level like 161.8 & إلخ

Being as a Full Time Trader (FTT), trend is very important to me. It will show me very clear where my destination is. For good and sharp entry, i need a firm and precise momentum indicator. Combination both of these will definately give me a very good trading strategy. For RSI, i rely on this setup:

Level 50: Trend Indicator (above for uptrend and vice versa)

Level 20/80: Momentum Indicator ( entry and exit point)

It seem this system have both of it. And been translated into much more easier and friendly way for any type of trader. It just that as an additional, these system need to be equipment with any other supporting trend indicator in order to identify the market is trending or ranging.. As for myself i use MA Channel to support this trading system.

A good, precise, sharp and user friendly trading system. Congratulation to the developer.

Interesting, adding this to my arsenal would definitely help my trades.

The 80 20 rule looks great, i`m big fan of RSI, i think the EFC looks a big advantage in visualising the rules for evaluation & entry. I have 2 suggestions for indicators, the first would be an addition to EFC of coloured box which measures back 50 periods and set to max min price for that 50 period rather like price channel does although not chopping around like price channel , that box could then indicate a potential breakout of price action with the aid of a spot or arrow or change of bar colour. I also like the idea of keeping non essential bars of neutral colour. I think the main indicator i would to have available for MT4 is market profile based on volume showing the POC and min max of key price area. Watched a wonderful demonstration of this yesterday in a webinar but it is not designed for MT4. That`s my 2 penny worth but do keep up the great ethos that you have as it`s so refreshing compared to those companies that see us retailers as a meal ticket. Thank you, Tony.

I would like to see a rating % to succeed. It can weigh up all the factors and give a suggested probability rating so the trading can decide on his own whether or not to be conservative.

I have been using a similar rsi divergence strategy, The EFC indicator you have created looks very interesting. Though I would like the indicator be able to be customized, RSI period, RSI high/low levels, R:R levels, entry points (aggresive(when change to blue), conservative(when crosses 50 bar line)), last bar count adjustment and that a multi time frame alert to your mobil be available. Also would like to have the option to see the price action of the yellow, blue, green/red bars, at this moment they are covered. Finally, some divergent patterns are more stronger than others, so maybe an indication of the divergence strengh, especially if the upper timeframes are in divergence. Again, the EFC indicator looks very promising, just shared my thought of it could be even greater for my personal use. Thanks for the good work.

Much gratitude for this beautifully simple and straightforward reversal strategy, very clear and easy to follow explanation from start to finish….can’t wait to test it once markets open up again after the weekend.

I want an indicator to be consistent. And consistent based on reliability, not necessarily a % of wins. Once an indicator fails to be reliable, it is doomed for me. But if it is reliable, I trust it and it becomes a valuable asset.

On your question about the unique feature I’d love to see in an indicator, what I’d love to see in an indication is an additional feature to auto-trade, i. e enter the trade when the entry conditions are met. You only have to set lot size and put it on auto trade. This way, it can enter the trade and then send you an alert of trade entry, and you can then look at it and set your stop loss, trailing stop and take profit levels. Alternatively you can indicate take profit and stop loss levels in terms of percentage or pips as well as the lot size lot. This will really be cool.

I would like to add an alert that shows the high or low of the last 50 candles and meets the criteria of the 80/20 break rule. In this way we are able to begin the analysis and wait for proper entry in advance. شكرا لكم.

The most important feature for me would be to get consistent results under all market conditions, i. e. reliability that can be trusted at all times.

استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام. Have used RSI to verify what price action is telling me, but not with 50 period low or high. Fakeouts are a big problem. I’ll try this strategy.

What I look forward to seeing on an indicator is one that would be able to help me avoid chop, Most indicators are able to get one into or out of trade but are just dumb when it come to market chop. So my ideal indicator would be able to give me warning of the beginnings of a chop.

I personally enjoy Simple graphical type indicators like arrows and bars changing colors to tell me which way to take my next trade. شكرا لكم.

Would like an indicator that doesn’t lag with high reliability with in terms of generating entry signals with minimal false positives.

I am grateful for your Trading strategy guides RSI divergence strategy. It is a no holy grail but coupled with a sensible money management and understanding of price action, it definitely indicates the picks and troughs of the rhythm of the market. My advise is, even when there is a confirmed divergence between RSI and price, buy signals in an uptrend and sell in a downtrend. Thanks for educating us. بارك الله.

I have been back testing this strategy for the last week. Ooooh… what can I say IMPRESSIVE.

Awesome George! أبقه مرتفعاً!

I look forward to trying it.

عظيم! We look forward to helping you.

Thanks for sharing great strategies. Will be trying this soon.

About indicator is there a pop-up alert when signal triggered?

About indicator is there a popup alert when candle change color?

Good money management make good profits and thanx for the great presentation.

نود أن نطلعكم على بعض المعلومات المهمة حول دليل إستراتيجية التداول ونحن نسير قدما نحو هدفنا لمساعدة 1،000،000 من التجار في العثور على إستراتيجية تناسبهم بشكل أفضل.

نريد منك أن تفهم تماما من نحن كموقع تربوي تعليمي & # 8230؛

التدريب والاستراتيجيات المجانية نحن نقدم كل أسبوع & # 8230؛

سوف نرسل العديد من استراتيجيات التداول الحرة لتعلم وتطبيق نظام التداول الخاص بك على الفور & # 8230؛

فريقنا يجمع كمية هائلة من المعلومات ويأتي مع بعض من أبسط وأسهل استراتيجيات التداول لمتابعة كل أسبوع.

نحن متحمسون للغاية للقيام بذلك بالنسبة لك لأننا نحب مساعدة الناس على النجاح الذين هم جادين في التداول.

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على معظم ما يصل إلى أحدث المعلومات التي نقدمها من الأرجح أفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك الآن هو لمتابعة منا على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية التي هي:

في اللحظة التي ننشر الاستراتيجيات على بلوق لدينا، وسوف نقوم بنشرها تلقائيا إلى هذه المنصات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية بحيث يمكن أن يكون الوصول الفوري إلى استراتيجياتنا الحرة!

The EFC is now available to every trader on tradingview platform!

We want to let you know that the EFC Indicator is now live on the Tradingview Platform in additon to being on Meta Trader 4.

This version is packed with many NEW features like:

& # 8211؛ Strategy Version to Backtest the EFC…(Our Favorite)

& # 8211؛ Risk/ Reward Modification.

& # 8211؛ New Color Scheme.

& # 8211؛ Fully Customizable for Each Time Frame.

& # 8211؛ All new settings:

& # 8211؛ efc_weekend_settings. pngAnd much more that we will show you in the members area!

If Tradingview is not your prefered platform no worries! Its also available on Meta Trader 4 with a custom dashboard.

Below is a potential current EFC Trade Signal on tradingview:

EFC Trade Signal: GBPAUD.

efc weekend trade idea #1.png.

The EFC has detailed report in tradingview that will show you differnet stats and backtested results. We recommend checking this out and adjusting the EFC to your preferred settings to see if it is consistenly profitable!

Any questions let us know!

اتمنى لك نهايه اسبوع جميله!

& # 8211؛ The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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We have a great Trading Strategy we want to share with you today that we call Price Action Pin Bar Strategy.

It is simple to learn and will only take you a few minutes to read.

We have many trading strategies that we want you to learn so we will send you a few of our best trading strategies like this one in the next few days!

Our goal is to help you find a strategy that fits you best.

So if you find that this one is not for you then no worries, we have many of them!

If you have any questions please email our support staff at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

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We have a Cypher Patterns Trading Strategy that we developed a while back and we think this one you are going to enjoy!

This strategy is part of a series of harmonic pattern strategies that we have developed..

Its a great strategy for day traders and occasional scaplers.

This strategy is a little advanced so when you read it please take special note of all the important steps.

Let us know if you need anything from us!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Our MACD Trend Following Strategy is one of the best ways we have found to use this indicator consistently.

We have done a vast amount of testing with this powerful indicator and this is the strategy our team uses.

MACD indicator is the real deal and has been around for a long time!

Please feel free to email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) if you have any suggestions or comments.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Something new is being released to market traders next week. Hint ==> its awesome!

We want you to have one of our most popular strategy guides we ever developed on our blog…

For free of course 🙂

We also wanted to announce that we have some super exciting coming out in a few short days that will help you trade this strategy like a pro..

You are going to want to check this out, trust us 🙂

So when you click the button below you will see instanly what that new release is and what we have planned for you in the next few days…

Let us know what you think of the strategy and if you are pumped to see what we have coming soon…

ملاحظة Tomorrow there will be an email from us that will show you in a video what we developed for you guys! Stay tuned for this and more!!

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Mark you calendars, a new indicator is coming!

So the cat is out of the bag…

We developed a new indicator and let’s just say, it’s super cool and very powerful!

Go ahead and watch a short video we made for you that will explain how it works:

You will also learn of a new contest which means that we are going to giving one of these indicators away one lucky contestant(s) for FREE!!

Don’t wait any longer go ahead and watch this short Day #2 Sneak Peek Video we made for you that will give you some more info about this powerful new indicator we developed.

Thanks for the continued support!

Have a great weekend traders,

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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One tweak to a single strategy could boost profits immediately.

Have you ever tried tweaking your strategy before when you saw that you were consistently losing over and over again?

Well we know we have been there and what happened recently when we tweaked our Parabolic SAR strategy was a complete game changer…..

This is some good stuff that every trader can relate.

So tomorrow will be the day we are going to be opening up the cart to our members!

So members be ready, all others we will let you know tomorrow when the cart will open up for you as well:)

Have a great day…

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

ملاحظة Remember to watch yesterday’s video and enter our contest to get this indicator for free. === وGT. Go here to enter (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W5tWhCn8kpfd4W8Tm3Jn5mk8qp0 ) … If you already entered then no need to do so again, we have you marked down on our list! Winners will be annoounced tomorrow! It’s almost time for this new indicator to be launched, trader!

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Did you know we have a powerful indicator we call the Big Three that has a combonation of three of the most poweful indicator developed all packed into one indicator.

imageAbove is a Snapshot of the indicator in aciton….Learn More about the Big Three Indicator (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W3NFy0F6_wdL9W78t2k-2y7LQK0 ) If you have any questions for us please let us know!

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We wanted to reveal the winner of the contest!

Today the Simple SAR has been released to our members and so far, they are loving it!

One of our Members told us this,

“I just tweaked mine to 25 TP 30 SL and it is knocking it out of the park”

Our members get early access to everything new we have so don’t be upset because next time you can get your early access when you are a member 🙂

To see who we chose as a winner of this contest click below.

When the clock strikes 0 the page will redirect to where you can get your very own so we recommend you bookmark this page!

نحن نتطلع الى الاستماع منك!

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Our dellux bonus package is going away in a few days!

These signals are a premium service and we have been offering them for a long time now..

But times are changing and this bonus will be going away soon as we move forward..

If you want to see exactly why you should take advantage of this bonus offer while it is still available go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*Vd-Xrt5qsj-jN5pPPV7czf5q0 )

Thanks for all of the kind comments and feedback you guys have sent our way!


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We just wanted to remind you again that we are going live today to talk about our indicator, strategy, and many other imporant topics we wanted to discuss with you about.

We look forward to seeing you there and being involved with us.

If you want to know the exact details go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W7r6CCR8Z-XKTVClm1H3TDtcP0 )

Keep in mind that if you have any questions for us you let us know now as we will be busy getting ready for our live webinar in a couple hours!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We are live right now!

Leave us a comment so we know you are there 🙂

We look forward to showing you the strategy live and talk about some other bonus offers we have for you today for joining us.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Today is the last day you will hear about our new indicator (Simple SAR)

After today not only will the big bonus we told you about is going but also you chance to get access to this indicator for quite some time.

It may be 6, 9, even 12 months before we open up the cart to this indicator again!

So if you want access to this and all of the powerful bonuses we are throwing in you need to get it today!

As always, our support team is here to help you. We are dedicated to help you find a solution to your trading problems.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We know you have been tuning into our special Simple SAR Sale i’m sure some of you might be tired of hearing about it but we truly believe this is one of the best indicators you will find on the Marketplace..

Plus we have so many Special Bonus offers that this indicator will pay for itself instanly!

So we are letting you know this one final time before the sale goes away forever and you will never see an offer like this again.

You will see instanly just how valuable this indicator is and why we have been showing you the power of a system like our Simple SAR.

So This is your final warning.

We are closing at midnight.

No questions ask.

Get it now because this offer ends immediately at MIDNIGHT.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We have a Powerful Indicator that trades channels consistently…

The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

Here are the benefits of the CTI Indicator.

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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We just recently published a new strategy on our blog!

Come check it out:

The Pitchfork trading system in an old forgotten trading technique that projects potential support and resistance lines.

The Pitchfork trading system can be applied to all time frames and generally to every kind of market so, no matter of your trading style and your preferred time frame you’re pretty much covered.

Let us know if you like the strategy by commenting!

Thanks, have a great day.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

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We just wanted to let you know that we have a new strategy on our blog that uses the Elliot wave theory to take trades consistently accurate on any time frame or market.

Above is the exact rules of the strategy that you can read and save for your personal use!

We hope this helps so let us know if we should continue to do this for you guys in the comments 🙂

Enjoy your free strategy that our team put together for you and we hope these are helping you grow as a trader.


- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

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نأمل أن يكون لديك عظيم الاثنين!

حتى اليوم هو يوم كولومبوس وبما أننا نود أن تفعل صفقات الخصم في عطلة خاصة كنا نريد أن نقدم لك خصم 40٪ على مؤشر كتي لدينا!

سوف مؤشر كتي تلقائيا لرسم القنوات على كل إطار زمني (إذا كان هناك قناة فايلد) & # 8230؛

هنا هو في الواقع نظرة حية في ميتا التاجر 4 الإصدار:

يبدو أن الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار قد كسر قناة من ثلاثة أطر زمنية مختلفة.

أثار هذا المؤشر وأظهرت اثنين من إدخالات شراء كبيرة!

واحد من استراحة السابقة للقناة والثانية على الاختراق الحالي لهذه القناة التي تم رسمها لك.

انها بسيطة على هذا النحو!

هذا المؤشر معبأة مع العديد من الميزات الفريدة التي لن تجد في أي مكان آخر & # 8230؛

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

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أردنا فقط أن نذكركم بأننا نقدم مؤشر كتي لدينا بسعر 40٪ من سعر مخفض!

& # 8211؛ The CTI Trading Indicator. This indicator will show you the channel, the break, and when to enter based on the Famous Rabbit Trail Trading Strategy. & # 8211؛ Access to Every Trading Strategy - You get incredible free access to all of our trading reports that we store in our vault. & # 8211؛ New Updates - We will keep the indicator running smoothly so we will periodically send you a new update to it. & # 8211؛ Live Trade Calls - We add in our members area a live trade idea that is based on one of our 15+ current trading strategies that located in the members area. & # 8211؛ Alert/Notifications - The indicator will send you an alert or a notification to your smartphone instantly! & # 8211؛ Trading Support and Coaching - One of our experienced traders will chat with you via email or other means of communication to answer any of your trading questions! & # 8211؛ Special Discounts - We offer all of our members special discounts on other products. & # 8211؛ Private Access to the Members Area - Here, you can check our live trade calls, review all of the special trading reports, check on past alerts, and much more to come!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Only One more day left to get your CTI indicator at a 40% discount.

Below is a very useful feature our CTI members enjoy most:↓

What the indicator allows you to do is manually draw a channel. Once you click that button you can draw the channel anywhere on the chart!

This indicator is packed with many other unique features that you will not find anywhere else…

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

This Three Part Training Course is designed to dramatically boost profits immediately – and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend,

Hello fellow trader,

How would you like to make $500 a week trading the markets?

How about $5,000 a week?

We are going to show you how in our training course that will start on October 18th, 2017.

We just implemented a new technique that we want to teach you.

We’re both proud and excited to announce that we’re launching a brand new Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W36v2Pf7pC0bhVQ1BV87NXbRG0 ) , and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend!

We specifically designed this course to dramatically boost your profits immediately.

Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is available:

Better hurry, enrollment spots are extrememly limited!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Learn more about our Three-Part Mastery Training Course – only available for enrollment this weekend,

We hope you weekend has been great so far!

Here are a few questions we wanted to ask you right now:

& # 8211؛ Do you want to make extra money trading with simple and easy-to-follow techniques? & # 8211؛ Do you desire to earn extra money for retirement while still working your job? & # 8211؛ Is your goal is to become a full time trader?

& # 8211؛ Is your goal is to earn money?

& # 8211؛ Do you want to have freedom and more time to control your own schedule?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then our brand new Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6lJF4J2R7C-PW5M6mBm683YjX0 ) is for you!

We’ve just just implemented a new technique that we’d love to teach you. Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We’re very excited to offer you enrollment – available for a limited time.

We’ve specifically formatted our NEW Mastery Course in a three part training module to allow each and every market trader the ability to learn at their own pace and not be overwhelmed.

We are going to talk specifically about each market structure and why the strategies we use are so powerful.

Find out if this Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6056-h8-Ck8yW7Tf7sj9j1yxR0 ) is for you! Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

There’s a litany of reasons why we think our Master Class Training Course is right for you. Here are a few highlights.

Hello again traders,

We’re so excited to offer you limited enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course that we wanted to fill you in on what to expect:

-A 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

But surely the cost of enrollment in our Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4kkQFB5BNgk4Lcxs4XQzMC0 ) would have to be astronomical? (We’ll give you a hint: It’s not. It’s a mere fraction of the total accumulated value you see here.) Click below to enroll for one amazing low price while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

The window to enroll in this amazing opportunity is closing, don’t miss out and get left behind. Join your fellow traders now.

صباح الخير التجار،

The window of opportunity to enroll in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4HJcKh8RYw_QF4q9_cdHm3Y0 ) is rapidly closing.

Throughout our course:

We want to show you exactly how to identify trends and how we trade with the trends.

We want to show you how to find the trend change before other traders.

We want to show you how to find entries using the trend reversal techniques we learned.

And as an added bonus we want to show you when and where to exit immediately following the strategies we will provide to you.

Just one of these 1 hr sessions is valued at $600! Click below to enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We wanted to make sure you know that our Five Candle Mastery Indicator is available to you now for a special price..

Its available to you on these different trading platforms:

Meta Trader 4 & Meta Trade 5.

Ninja Trader 7 & Ninja Trader 8.

This indicator will show you results because the strategy simply works!

We are throwing in the strategy report free for you! That is a $99 Value!

If you need anything from us we will make sure we answer all of your questions! Please email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Enrollment in our amazing new Mastery Course ends tonight, we can only extend the offer to so many – don’t miss your chance!

We only have one Goal: to make you a great trader. So we are offering you our Master Class Trader Guarantee. We guarantee that our class will deliver the training you need to become a great trader.

We’ve held nothing back in this training in order to ensure that you will learn the secrets of a trading master, and are confident that you will emerge a better trader than you are today.

Don’t miss this opportunity, click below learn more and enroll before we stop accepting new students tonight:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

This is your last chance to enroll in our 3-Part Mastery Course, enrollment closes in just a few hours. Act Fast!

We wanted to remind you that enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W7XtKWY5kCm2bW1KlRWm1VpJQN0 ) ends in just a few hours!

We’re so grateful to have been able to extend this amazing offer to our trading community – an in-depth Master Class divided into three modules, with a bonus fourth module at no additional cost – for 94% lower than its accumulated value, but enrollment ends at midnight!

Act fast to enroll and gain access to all of this for just $197:

-The 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-The 30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

This is your last chance to become the master trader you’ve always wanted to be! Click below before enrollment is closed:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

RSI Trading Strategy: The RSI 80-20.

شكرا للتحقق من 80-20 استراتيجية التداول التي تستخدم مؤشر القوة النسبية، وتحليل حركة السعر إلى الأرض لك إدخالات التجارة كبيرة! This RSI trading strategy is effective as the rsi 2 trading strategy that Larry Connor developed, however, this strategy strictly trades reversals that occur the last 50 candles. The 80-20 RSI Trading Strategy is used as a RSI stock strategy, RSI forex strategy, and a RSI options strategy. We will discuss many things in this article like, rsi vs stochastic indicator and why both indicators are great to trade with, stochastic RSI oscillator trading systems, stochastic RSI setting, 5 day RSI strategy, connors rsi strategy, and binary options strategy that works with the rsi indicator.

If you want the Free RSI pdf trading strategy guide to this Strategy tap here and we will give it to you for FREE.

We also will discuss an indicator we have developed that uses this strategy to give you easy entries and exit points.

This strategy will identify a break of a trend and take advantage of the movement to the opposite direction. (Kind of like our Trend Breaker Strategy)

In this article, I am going to be showing you a simple trading strategy using the RSI indicator. You are going to benefit from this strategy by learning to trade divergence, and find a low risk way to sell near the top or buy near the bottom of a trend.

Forex Trading Indicator Used for Strategy.

The RSI indicator is one of the most popular indicators used by traders in any market (stocks, forex, futures, options).

What is the RSI (Relative Strength Indicator)? This indicator was developed by Welles Wilder around 1978 when it quickly became one of the most popular oscillator indicators for traders in financial markets. This momentum indicator can fluctuates between 0 and 100 providing overbought and oversold signals. The formula for this indicator is a bit complex:

I could explain this whole process to you, however, I will spare you the details. I just wanted to share this with the mathematicians that are reading this who enjoy seeing equations. You can do a quick google search if you would like to learn more about this..

Forex Trading Indicator Settings.

The default settings for this indicator is a smoothing period of 14. We are going to change that setting to 8 . Make sure you change this setting before you jump into this strategy. The reason I like 8 rather than 14, is that the RSI will be much more responsive for us which is very important when are looking for overbought or oversold price areas. Also go ahead into the RSI setting and change the lines in the indicator to 80, 20 . سوف تتعلم المزيد عن هذا لاحقا.

This indicator will be the only indicator we use for this strategy. The reason we only use this, is because we have a strict set of rules we need to follow before we can enter a trade. And these rules will, without a doubt, validate a reversal for us to enter a trade.

So before you want to use this strategy make the following changes to the RSI indicator:

14 time period, to 8.

70 and 30 lines, to 80 and 20.

This indicator comes standards on mostly all trading platforms. You just need to make these adjustment to this.

رسي استراتيجية التداول.

Step One: Find the currency pair that is showing a high the last 50 candlesticks. (OR low depending on the trade)

The 80-20 Trading strategy can be used with any time period.

The reason for that, is that there are reversals of trends in every time period. So this can be a swing trade, day trade, or a scalping trade. As long as it follows the rules it is a valid trade.

The only thing we need to make sure of in this current step is that it is the low or the high the last 50 candles.

Below is an example:

Note** We will use this same example to explain this strategy. This is a USDCHF currency pair and will be a BUY trade.

Once we determine this low or high then we can move on to the next step.

I drew vertical lines on the chart so that you can see the 50 candle low that we identified.

If you need to use horizontal lines on your chart to verify that candle has closed the lowest the last 50 you can do so. This is not necessary but may be helpful for you to do and see how strong the trend is.

Step Two: When we find 50 candle low, it needs to be coupled with RSI reading 20 or lower. (If it’s a high it needs to be coupled with the RSI reading 80 or higher.)

Below we have a reading that hit the 20 line on the RSI and was the low the last 50 candles.

Once we see that we had a low, the last 50 candles AND the RSI is BELOW 20 then we can move on the the next step.

Remember that this strategy is a reversal strategy. It is going to be breaking the current trend and moving the other direction.

Step Three : Wait for a second price (low candle) to close after the first one that we already identified.

The second price low must be below the first low but the RSI indicator must provide a higher signal than the first one.

Remember, divergence can be seen by comparing price action and the movement of an indicator.

If the price is making higher highs, the oscillator should also be making higher highs. If price is making lower lows, the oscillator should also be making lower lows.

If they are not, that means price and the oscillator are diverging from each other.

Which is why it’s called “divergence.”

Just because you see a divergence, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should automatically jump in with a position.

We have rules in place that will capitalize on this divergence, so that we can make a great profit.

Keep in mind, that this step may take a bit to develop. It is very important to wait for this second low because it get you in a better position to make a trade.

This sounds a bit complex, but think of it like this for our example we are using:

Price goes down/RSI goes up. That is the Divergence.

Remember, that our example is a current downtrend looking to break to the upside. If this was a 50 candle high we would be looking for the exact opposite with this step.

With that said, let’s take a look at our chart,

Once this criteria has been met we can go ahead and look for an entry because the charts are showing us that a reversal is soon coming.

Step Four: How to Enter the Trade with the RSI Trading Strategy.

The way you enter a trade is actually very simple.

You wait for the price to head in the direction of the trade and wait for a candle to close above the first candle that you identified that was previous 50 candle low.

Save this picture for reference, if are struggling with this step. This will guide you when you look for a trade.

Step five: Once you make you entry, place stop loss.

To place your stop bump back 1-3 time periods and find a good level to place your stop that makes logical sense. So you are looking for prior resistance, support.

We placed our stop below this support area. That way if the trend continued and did not break it could hit this level and bounce back up in our direction.

I recommend you follow at least a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level. This will ensure that you are maximizing your potential to get the most out of this strategy. You can adjust as you wish, but most good strategies that identify breaks of a trend use a 1 to 3 profit vs. risk level.

To recap, Here are the rules of the strategy:

If you have a questions or comments about this trading strategy you may reach us at info@tradingstrategyguides.

If you would like to see another great strategy go ahead and check out the Parabolic SAR + Moving Average Strategy.

The RSI Trading Strategy is great and is fairly simple to learn, however counting 50 candles is a bit monotonous which is one of the many reasons why we developed the EFC indicator that trades this strategy for you!

Check out the EFC Indicator we developed that trades the RSI 80-20 strategy for you!

Tap on the Image to Learn more!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

Please Share this RSI 80-20 Trading Strategy Below and keep it for your own personal use! شكرا التجار!

For this strategy 80-20 trading strategy, what is the best time frame use to calculate 50 candle for the step. Is it 1 min , 5 min , 15 min TF. Please i need your advise. شكرا لكم. Rosli Hamsan Malaysia.

For the 80-20 strategy, i did use my own strategy by changing the indicator setting . I am using 2 period setting , 5 and maintain the 14 period. I add in the level from 70,60,50,40 and 30. The 5 period (mark yellow) and 14 (mark blue). The 5 period will show the entry buy or sell when crossing the 14 from bottom or down. Again the level 60 and 40 will indicate to open buy or sell. But sometimes i can’t sure if the trend is up or down. I just add in to my chart the currency strength power indicator and make a decision to enter trade base on the current strength. But your 80-20 strategy is something additional knowledge to me and many thanks to you for this strategy and can be very useful in my daily trade. شكرا لكم.

What unique feature do you want to see most in a Trading Indicator?

In my point of view the most important feature of the indicator is to predict (with high percentage of accuracy)of the reversal point or zone (either over bought or over sold)

For sure, reversals are a great way to trade the market!

%probability for a successful trade.

I really think that this indicator will be extremely valuable because in my experience reversals are one of my most profitable trades and I it can be a real pain trying to find it on the charts, this is exactly what I have been looking for.

Absolutely Casey! Thanks for commenting.. Its always a pleasure hearing from a professional trader!

An indicator which shows the supply and demand zones in all timeframes (but especially the longer ones) would really be useful. شكر.

Four hour, Daily, weekly time frame reversal trades are huge! If only there was an indicator that would show you an accurate way to trade these consistently 🙂

It’s an interesting strategy. I’d like to know if you have any percentage of success information from backtesting.

We have back tested the indicator and it did show us great trade entries and exit points. We are not promising 100% it will be correct, because as a trader, you are ultimately the one that decides to trade or not 😉

For me any good indicator needs to provide reliable forecasts. Example: If C=A+B, then we are sure if we are expecting that C appears, it requires that first of all appears A+B, and we will take no action if just appears either A, or B. In other words, when we see the pattern of A+B, we are sure that C will follow. (Note:Perhaps this won’t happen 100% of the time, but the more it approaches the ideal 100%, the more reliable it becomes.)

No strategy is 100% I totally agree. But if you have a system with a strict set of rules you follow that more often then not will produce profitable trades, then you are on the right track! Its that constant “tweaking” that makes a trader become good to great!

People in nature over think and over complicate things. Trading can be simple but some common sense has to be used. Price action is king which is proven over and over again. I believe in simple charts and with what I see you guys have developed looks incredible which doesn’t repaint which is crucial and this fullfills all the above I just mentioned which is so important in all aspects of trading. A great development from a great company.

شكر! Our philosophy is to make things more simple then what they need to be. https://uploads. disquscdn/images/4bf2a9fbbaaf418a1e94a04b5683b382d672a7b72bec921e98d0cf95974e50d2.png We see stuff like this from so called “gurus” and shake our heads. There is no need put that many indicators/lines on your charts! We hope our indicator will make peoples lives easier when searching for reversal trades.

I am a new trader and at times one is so confused with so maby stratrgies out there. I have however enjoyed reading this strategy you have posted here. Am going to change my settings to see if I understan it. Regards Shads.

Great to hear, let us know how it goes 🙂

Ineresting article! But I still find the strategy somewhat complicated. Well, why count till to 50 bars and what is the logic behind this? Then, why not 20, 15, 30 or so…? Did you bactest it or trade it live? أخبرونى من فضلكم.

https://uploads. disquscdn/images/ec600f37518416a0342e6f18e06f8a3be172c265128613e693d9a4811dd7fbaa. png The indicator will make it much easier for everyone to use the strategy. This line will always stay on your chart 50 candles back so there is not a tedious process of counting candles all the time. To answer your question about why we chose 50, the last 50 candles are still meaningful on your charts on any time frame. If there is a reversal to take place, more often then not there was a strong uptrend/downtrend the last 50 candles so its prime for a huge reversal when our indicator is triggered based off of this strategy!


Answer for the competition.

I would like to see an indicator that can accurately indicate the daily bars high & أدنى مستوياته.

Great, that would be a nice feature in an indicator. شكرا على التعليق!

I want an indicator that accurately shows when to enter/exit.

I think that I might like this, after I realize how it works ( initiate a trade)

Well Oteng, if there ever was an indicator that can do that, I tell you human traders would be obsolate or never needed again in trading. Brokers will cease to be in business and there won’t be anyone on the other side to take one’s trades. Or still the banks and big institutions with the money will still get their hands on it and put a way premium price on it to make it impossible for retail traders like you and me to get it. It will be a secret weapon and they’ll use it to still beat us to the game.

Keep the comments coming guys! Remember we are giving away access to three of these special indicators on friday! Everyone who has commented so far is entered into the contest!

When the bar closes – no more repaint. No signals 3,7 or 10 bars back. Easy to spot (simple chart). If additional filters is needed, then why not let the indicator do the work and only show the good signals? I like a very high winning rate and I like the up/down movement to start very soon after signal is shown. If it works on all timeframes and all markets it is also good. To put it short: I want the indicator to do most of the calculations for me.

I would like this indicator to identify with high probability the important SR / structure levels also relevant to multiple timeframes. So are the RZs based on that ?

Just thinking out loud that if we need to couple the RSI with the high or low of the last 50 bars we should be looking for the over bought or over sold 80/20 first then find the high or low of price ? استراتيجية لطيفة. I also liked your fractal strat. Thanks for all the great ideas. Tommy.

Whichever one comes first. You need to have both elements (high the last 50 candles or low the last 50 candles coupled with divergence in price action with the rsi) to meet the rules of the trade. Then obviously make the trade when the price action goes above or below that first identified candle.

I have never been a RSI fan, prefer stochastic and MACD, but this looks like a nice twist using it with Price Action – سأعطيها محاولة. With regards to previous comments about win rates, the Holy Grail is not the win rate but it is the Money Management. With the correct money management system in place you can make good profits from winning just 40% of the time – anything better is a bonus. I like the clarity of your presentations, keep up the good work.

Thanks, great advice Graham! Without properly managing your money, you are doomed to fail at the start.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies, I am now finally starting to make some good profits this last 3 weeks.

keep up this excellent work.

Great to hear Sam!

Congratulations Sam! We selected you to receive a free EFC indicator! Contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides and we will send you your information!

Hi Guys, this looks like some sort of reversal/breakout strategy. Looks interesting, and I look forward to learning more on Friday. On the subject of what I look for in a strategy, I look for a system that is “as simple as possible, but no simpler”, as some guy with a strange haircut who should have gone to Specsavers reportedly once said! Seriously, if a strategy is too complicated, it just will not get used. Better to trade a simpler system repeatedly, even if it means the returns are not quite as good as the really complex system. But hey, that’s just me!

Right… no need to over complicate things. If you like a mess on your charts and understand them then great, but most traders would most likely agree that simple or even “naked” charts (price action strategies) work best for them.

Thanks, going on 10 years of losing…have been trying to make my own system with the “Color-Coded Bars” & # 8211؛ you “beat” me to it – Looking Good! God Bless you richly!

PDF file available:

“Basic Distinctions” In God’s Two.

(2) Different Programs!

🙂 Its a nice feature. Thanks for your response!

Is there a way to show on the charts the last 50 periods. Even a line that is plotted 50 periods prior and moves along as each period moves forward. Also, has anyone tested as to which timeframe this strategy works best for. I’m a relatively new trader so any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.

We like seeing entries triggered on either the 30 minute time frame or the hour time chart.

wow super strategy 🙂 good job.

An indicator needs to be visually unambiguous especially for the entries/exits. Combining reversals with a look back for previous market tensions is good. One vital feature for an indicator is that used profitably and frequently the price action it is revealing to the user becomes so familiar that you learn to read the market without the indicator.

An interesting strategy thanks guys that I will try this evening.

You asked what I would like in an indicator? There is no Holy Grail as most already know, but something that would create a solid indication of where to enter and exit a trade, along with it confirming a trending market.

Although what I would REALLY like in an indicator is a two armed, two legged one that would mentor me – helping me to be much more confident when I pull the trigger and not dither like my nana, and when to bale on a trade, and to walk with me as I trade for a period to guide me in my approach. To make me a professional trader and not a wannabe trader. How can I bolt one of these onto my MT4?

Really liking your blogs, please keep them going 🙂

PS: No disrespect to any nana’s out there, but OMG ask mine to make a decision and you need to sit down and make a cup of tea to give her time – a hereditary trait it seems. Cup of tea anyone? 🙂

Hello, strategy is built on simplicity, which I personally prefer. Definitely I try tomorrow, looking forward to the novelty will be interesting: D.

Divergence with RSI alone seems like something that I can do with…it is a bit more confusing now as a stand alone indicator as I was trading Divergence so far with MacD & RSI compared with price action. Maybe this keep it simple method is the ONE we’ve been waiting for.

Hopefully so Freddie! We think its very powerful from our experience testing this indicator!

If the EFC Indicator’s basic premise is to clarify which way to trade and WHEN, I’d see that as being halfway there. Married to a sane breakeven philosophy, it would restore the below average retail trader’s faith in ultimately getting to the positive side of the ledger….. for a change.

This looks really good. Just what a newbie needs to improve understanding and results, Thank you for your efforts.

always love reading your post.

Love the strategies you guys post this 80,20 strategy is very simple to apply and wit a little patience to wait for the rules to be met i can see this strategy can be very profitable. Thanks guys for taking time to trace.

Looks like a winner.

We hope you will like it!

Any indicator showing me a definite reversal.

The EFF Indicator sounds great keen to try it out when it’s available.

Looking forward to reviewing your new to be released indicator. You have a good track record of putting out good easy to understand strategies that are profitable. The bar is set high!

I’d like to see you backtest using a smaller stop loss rather than the obvious one. I am much more interested in lower drawdown rather than a high winning percentage. I prefer to trade daily and 4 hour charts. How well does your indicator perform on these historically?

شكرا للمشاركة!

Just me but like lot of comments, I’ve been through the indicator jungle. Settled on a few custom ones via ThinkorSwim. What I like about this EFC indicator is it seems to incorporate candle coloration of a temperature kind. Follows a logic hot to lukewarm to cool.

I use a form of colored candles thru TOS and anxious to see how EFC handles over various timeframes and intraday/daily. In heat of.

the day it can’t easy to get twisted around when money on the line so a ‘fast glance’ 4 color system really helps. Should go well with the many strategies you’ve offered.

I think you are going to love it then based off of your kind comments 🙂 Thanks!

This is just the strategy of trading that I recently stumbled upon as I examined several chart formation and changes in trend both short term and long term. Your indicator will serve a great purpose of automatically finding those spots of change and making trading a delight that it should be!

thanks for all your great strategies.

I look forward to trying it.

Please don’t sell it via Clickbank, JVZOO or Clicksure. Their new policies on refunders mean that many of us (in fact almost all of us in my Skype Group) have been blacklisted for refunding scamster indies and EA’s.

John what type of skype group do you run?

I don’t run it. It’s called YTR (ex “Your Trading Room” and Vertue Traders (both were scam defunctionary – the principals evaporated and the trainee prop traders were left in the lurch – having paid many thousands). Australian regulator ASIC is totally toothless and disinterested in retail trader scams.

Oh yes I remember that group. Terrible to see that happen, hopefully some of the traders were able to continue and find success in your trading.

We can send you a paypal link directly, John. شكرا على التعليق!

Really looking forward to getting this indicator. Just one question relating to last 50 candles, I presume it is last 50 or more candles and not necessarily exactly 50 candles back? Very grateful for all the great training! يوحنا.

Looking forward to a great indicator.

Best to keep the non-strategy candles and chart features as monochromatic (i. e. black and white or grey against a white background) so that, during a trawl through the charts and time-frames, the sudden colour inject into the picture is much more instantaneously attention-getting.

Ok – I jumped in and bought the indicator – it looks just like the example below. My only disappointment is the candles don’t “stay” so if you leave and want to check back later the trade disappears once TP target is hit. Also the TP line is not always visible on the chart while the trade is in progress….and it doesn’t “paint” in arrears for visual back-testing – so you need to be “in the moment” to “see” how the trade pans out – I’m not sure how to find the TP line if you can see it – you may be able to open the “objects” and see the value there and enter that number into your trade….Thoughts?

If you click and drag on the vertical scale on the right you should be able to find the TP.

I think you have a great informative site, so keep up the good work but the proof is always in the pudding.

Hi thanks for all your great strategies……..

RSI is a simple indicator. With your trading strategy, it will be good to develop the system rather than manually plotting and looking at the conditions.

I like this strategy just what I have been looking for thanks very much for your hard work .

Best Regards Graham.

I need an indicator of RSI that can works together with Supply & Demand (SND) and gives combined signal as 1 dot with text ” entry buy or sell ” وأمبير. also the take profit levels ( TP 1 or TP 2 ) based on Fibonacci level like 161.8 & إلخ

Being as a Full Time Trader (FTT), trend is very important to me. It will show me very clear where my destination is. For good and sharp entry, i need a firm and precise momentum indicator. Combination both of these will definately give me a very good trading strategy. For RSI, i rely on this setup:

Level 50: Trend Indicator (above for uptrend and vice versa)

Level 20/80: Momentum Indicator ( entry and exit point)

It seem this system have both of it. And been translated into much more easier and friendly way for any type of trader. It just that as an additional, these system need to be equipment with any other supporting trend indicator in order to identify the market is trending or ranging.. As for myself i use MA Channel to support this trading system.

A good, precise, sharp and user friendly trading system. Congratulation to the developer.

Interesting, adding this to my arsenal would definitely help my trades.

The 80 20 rule looks great, i`m big fan of RSI, i think the EFC looks a big advantage in visualising the rules for evaluation & entry. I have 2 suggestions for indicators, the first would be an addition to EFC of coloured box which measures back 50 periods and set to max min price for that 50 period rather like price channel does although not chopping around like price channel , that box could then indicate a potential breakout of price action with the aid of a spot or arrow or change of bar colour. I also like the idea of keeping non essential bars of neutral colour. I think the main indicator i would to have available for MT4 is market profile based on volume showing the POC and min max of key price area. Watched a wonderful demonstration of this yesterday in a webinar but it is not designed for MT4. That`s my 2 penny worth but do keep up the great ethos that you have as it`s so refreshing compared to those companies that see us retailers as a meal ticket. Thank you, Tony.

I would like to see a rating % to succeed. It can weigh up all the factors and give a suggested probability rating so the trading can decide on his own whether or not to be conservative.

I have been using a similar rsi divergence strategy, The EFC indicator you have created looks very interesting. Though I would like the indicator be able to be customized, RSI period, RSI high/low levels, R:R levels, entry points (aggresive(when change to blue), conservative(when crosses 50 bar line)), last bar count adjustment and that a multi time frame alert to your mobil be available. Also would like to have the option to see the price action of the yellow, blue, green/red bars, at this moment they are covered. Finally, some divergent patterns are more stronger than others, so maybe an indication of the divergence strengh, especially if the upper timeframes are in divergence. Again, the EFC indicator looks very promising, just shared my thought of it could be even greater for my personal use. Thanks for the good work.

Much gratitude for this beautifully simple and straightforward reversal strategy, very clear and easy to follow explanation from start to finish….can’t wait to test it once markets open up again after the weekend.

I want an indicator to be consistent. And consistent based on reliability, not necessarily a % of wins. Once an indicator fails to be reliable, it is doomed for me. But if it is reliable, I trust it and it becomes a valuable asset.

On your question about the unique feature I’d love to see in an indicator, what I’d love to see in an indication is an additional feature to auto-trade, i. e enter the trade when the entry conditions are met. You only have to set lot size and put it on auto trade. This way, it can enter the trade and then send you an alert of trade entry, and you can then look at it and set your stop loss, trailing stop and take profit levels. Alternatively you can indicate take profit and stop loss levels in terms of percentage or pips as well as the lot size lot. This will really be cool.

I would like to add an alert that shows the high or low of the last 50 candles and meets the criteria of the 80/20 break rule. In this way we are able to begin the analysis and wait for proper entry in advance. شكرا لكم.

The most important feature for me would be to get consistent results under all market conditions, i. e. reliability that can be trusted at all times.

استراتيجية مثيرة للاهتمام. Have used RSI to verify what price action is telling me, but not with 50 period low or high. Fakeouts are a big problem. I’ll try this strategy.

What I look forward to seeing on an indicator is one that would be able to help me avoid chop, Most indicators are able to get one into or out of trade but are just dumb when it come to market chop. So my ideal indicator would be able to give me warning of the beginnings of a chop.

I personally enjoy Simple graphical type indicators like arrows and bars changing colors to tell me which way to take my next trade. شكرا لكم.

Would like an indicator that doesn’t lag with high reliability with in terms of generating entry signals with minimal false positives.

I am grateful for your Trading strategy guides RSI divergence strategy. It is a no holy grail but coupled with a sensible money management and understanding of price action, it definitely indicates the picks and troughs of the rhythm of the market. My advise is, even when there is a confirmed divergence between RSI and price, buy signals in an uptrend and sell in a downtrend. Thanks for educating us. بارك الله.

I have been back testing this strategy for the last week. Ooooh… what can I say IMPRESSIVE.

Awesome George! أبقه مرتفعاً!

I look forward to trying it.

عظيم! We look forward to helping you.

Thanks for sharing great strategies. Will be trying this soon.

About indicator is there a pop-up alert when signal triggered?

About indicator is there a popup alert when candle change color?

Good money management make good profits and thanx for the great presentation.

نود أن نطلعكم على بعض المعلومات المهمة حول دليل إستراتيجية التداول ونحن نسير قدما نحو هدفنا لمساعدة 1،000،000 من التجار في العثور على إستراتيجية تناسبهم بشكل أفضل.

نريد منك أن تفهم تماما من نحن كموقع تربوي تعليمي & # 8230؛

التدريب والاستراتيجيات المجانية نحن نقدم كل أسبوع & # 8230؛

سوف نرسل العديد من استراتيجيات التداول الحرة لتعلم وتطبيق نظام التداول الخاص بك على الفور & # 8230؛

فريقنا يجمع كمية هائلة من المعلومات ويأتي مع بعض من أبسط وأسهل استراتيجيات التداول لمتابعة كل أسبوع.

نحن متحمسون للغاية للقيام بذلك بالنسبة لك لأننا نحب مساعدة الناس على النجاح الذين هم جادين في التداول.

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على معظم ما يصل إلى أحدث المعلومات التي نقدمها من الأرجح أفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك الآن هو لمتابعة منا على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية التي هي:

في اللحظة التي ننشر الاستراتيجيات على بلوق لدينا، وسوف نقوم بنشرها تلقائيا إلى هذه المنصات وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية بحيث يمكن أن يكون الوصول الفوري إلى استراتيجياتنا الحرة!

The EFC is now available to every trader on tradingview platform!

We want to let you know that the EFC Indicator is now live on the Tradingview Platform in additon to being on Meta Trader 4.

This version is packed with many NEW features like:

& # 8211؛ Strategy Version to Backtest the EFC…(Our Favorite)

& # 8211؛ Risk/ Reward Modification.

& # 8211؛ New Color Scheme.

& # 8211؛ Fully Customizable for Each Time Frame.

& # 8211؛ All new settings:

& # 8211؛ efc_weekend_settings. pngAnd much more that we will show you in the members area!

If Tradingview is not your prefered platform no worries! Its also available on Meta Trader 4 with a custom dashboard.

Below is a potential current EFC Trade Signal on tradingview:

EFC Trade Signal: GBPAUD.

efc weekend trade idea #1.png.

The EFC has detailed report in tradingview that will show you differnet stats and backtested results. We recommend checking this out and adjusting the EFC to your preferred settings to see if it is consistenly profitable!

Any questions let us know!

اتمنى لك نهايه اسبوع جميله!

& # 8211؛ The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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We have a great Trading Strategy we want to share with you today that we call Price Action Pin Bar Strategy.

It is simple to learn and will only take you a few minutes to read.

We have many trading strategies that we want you to learn so we will send you a few of our best trading strategies like this one in the next few days!

Our goal is to help you find a strategy that fits you best.

So if you find that this one is not for you then no worries, we have many of them!

If you have any questions please email our support staff at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

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We have a Cypher Patterns Trading Strategy that we developed a while back and we think this one you are going to enjoy!

This strategy is part of a series of harmonic pattern strategies that we have developed..

Its a great strategy for day traders and occasional scaplers.

This strategy is a little advanced so when you read it please take special note of all the important steps.

Let us know if you need anything from us!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Our MACD Trend Following Strategy is one of the best ways we have found to use this indicator consistently.

We have done a vast amount of testing with this powerful indicator and this is the strategy our team uses.

MACD indicator is the real deal and has been around for a long time!

Please feel free to email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) if you have any suggestions or comments.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Something new is being released to market traders next week. Hint ==> its awesome!

We want you to have one of our most popular strategy guides we ever developed on our blog…

For free of course 🙂

We also wanted to announce that we have some super exciting coming out in a few short days that will help you trade this strategy like a pro..

You are going to want to check this out, trust us 🙂

So when you click the button below you will see instanly what that new release is and what we have planned for you in the next few days…

Let us know what you think of the strategy and if you are pumped to see what we have coming soon…

ملاحظة Tomorrow there will be an email from us that will show you in a video what we developed for you guys! Stay tuned for this and more!!

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Mark you calendars, a new indicator is coming!

So the cat is out of the bag…

We developed a new indicator and let’s just say, it’s super cool and very powerful!

Go ahead and watch a short video we made for you that will explain how it works:

You will also learn of a new contest which means that we are going to giving one of these indicators away one lucky contestant(s) for FREE!!

Don’t wait any longer go ahead and watch this short Day #2 Sneak Peek Video we made for you that will give you some more info about this powerful new indicator we developed.

Thanks for the continued support!

Have a great weekend traders,

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

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One tweak to a single strategy could boost profits immediately.

Have you ever tried tweaking your strategy before when you saw that you were consistently losing over and over again?

Well we know we have been there and what happened recently when we tweaked our Parabolic SAR strategy was a complete game changer…..

This is some good stuff that every trader can relate.

So tomorrow will be the day we are going to be opening up the cart to our members!

So members be ready, all others we will let you know tomorrow when the cart will open up for you as well:)

Have a great day…

The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides.

ملاحظة Remember to watch yesterday’s video and enter our contest to get this indicator for free. === وGT. Go here to enter (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W5tWhCn8kpfd4W8Tm3Jn5mk8qp0 ) … If you already entered then no need to do so again, we have you marked down on our list! Winners will be annoounced tomorrow! It’s almost time for this new indicator to be launched, trader!

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Did you know we have a powerful indicator we call the Big Three that has a combonation of three of the most poweful indicator developed all packed into one indicator.

imageAbove is a Snapshot of the indicator in aciton….Learn More about the Big Three Indicator (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W3NFy0F6_wdL9W78t2k-2y7LQK0 ) If you have any questions for us please let us know!

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We wanted to reveal the winner of the contest!

Today the Simple SAR has been released to our members and so far, they are loving it!

One of our Members told us this,

“I just tweaked mine to 25 TP 30 SL and it is knocking it out of the park”

Our members get early access to everything new we have so don’t be upset because next time you can get your early access when you are a member 🙂

To see who we chose as a winner of this contest click below.

When the clock strikes 0 the page will redirect to where you can get your very own so we recommend you bookmark this page!

نحن نتطلع الى الاستماع منك!

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Our dellux bonus package is going away in a few days!

These signals are a premium service and we have been offering them for a long time now..

But times are changing and this bonus will be going away soon as we move forward..

If you want to see exactly why you should take advantage of this bonus offer while it is still available go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*Vd-Xrt5qsj-jN5pPPV7czf5q0 )

Thanks for all of the kind comments and feedback you guys have sent our way!


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We just wanted to remind you again that we are going live today to talk about our indicator, strategy, and many other imporant topics we wanted to discuss with you about.

We look forward to seeing you there and being involved with us.

If you want to know the exact details go ahead and click here now (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W7r6CCR8Z-XKTVClm1H3TDtcP0 )

Keep in mind that if you have any questions for us you let us know now as we will be busy getting ready for our live webinar in a couple hours!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We are live right now!

Leave us a comment so we know you are there 🙂

We look forward to showing you the strategy live and talk about some other bonus offers we have for you today for joining us.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Today is the last day you will hear about our new indicator (Simple SAR)

After today not only will the big bonus we told you about is going but also you chance to get access to this indicator for quite some time.

It may be 6, 9, even 12 months before we open up the cart to this indicator again!

So if you want access to this and all of the powerful bonuses we are throwing in you need to get it today!

As always, our support team is here to help you. We are dedicated to help you find a solution to your trading problems.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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We know you have been tuning into our special Simple SAR Sale i’m sure some of you might be tired of hearing about it but we truly believe this is one of the best indicators you will find on the Marketplace..

Plus we have so many Special Bonus offers that this indicator will pay for itself instanly!

So we are letting you know this one final time before the sale goes away forever and you will never see an offer like this again.

You will see instanly just how valuable this indicator is and why we have been showing you the power of a system like our Simple SAR.

So This is your final warning.

We are closing at midnight.

No questions ask.

Get it now because this offer ends immediately at MIDNIGHT.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

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Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W9kc0W26MyT53W7yptF55npnQz0 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

We have a Powerful Indicator that trades channels consistently…

The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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816 ليغونير St.

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Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W4lTmf7777rg8W7KQ6ZQ4wrFr80 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

The CTI indicator is fully customizable to fit your trading needs.

Whether you are a day trader, scalper, or intraday trader this thing works equally as well for all!

Here are the benefits of the CTI Indicator.

We think this indicator will help you master channels like never before.

One of our traders said this about it,

“The CTI has been helping me out every day i trade channels…. The manual channel function is one of my favorite features…. Keep up the good work guys! Thanks” - Rob B.

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-Trading Strategy Guides Team.

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816 ليغونير St.

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Update your email preferences (t. hsms03/e1t/sc/*W8v9bs52lYWR6N6-8pT0Wf_V00 ) to choose the types of emails you receive.

We just recently published a new strategy on our blog!

Come check it out:

The Pitchfork trading system in an old forgotten trading technique that projects potential support and resistance lines.

The Pitchfork trading system can be applied to all time frames and generally to every kind of market so, no matter of your trading style and your preferred time frame you’re pretty much covered.

Let us know if you like the strategy by commenting!

Thanks, have a great day.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We just wanted to let you know that we have a new strategy on our blog that uses the Elliot wave theory to take trades consistently accurate on any time frame or market.

Above is the exact rules of the strategy that you can read and save for your personal use!

We hope this helps so let us know if we should continue to do this for you guys in the comments 🙂

Enjoy your free strategy that our team put together for you and we hope these are helping you grow as a trader.


- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

نأمل أن يكون لديك عظيم الاثنين!

حتى اليوم هو يوم كولومبوس وبما أننا نود أن تفعل صفقات الخصم في عطلة خاصة كنا نريد أن نقدم لك خصم 40٪ على مؤشر كتي لدينا!

سوف مؤشر كتي تلقائيا لرسم القنوات على كل إطار زمني (إذا كان هناك قناة فايلد) & # 8230؛

هنا هو في الواقع نظرة حية في ميتا التاجر 4 الإصدار:

يبدو أن الجنيه الإسترليني مقابل الدولار قد كسر قناة من ثلاثة أطر زمنية مختلفة.

أثار هذا المؤشر وأظهرت اثنين من إدخالات شراء كبيرة!

واحد من استراحة السابقة للقناة والثانية على الاختراق الحالي لهذه القناة التي تم رسمها لك.

انها بسيطة على هذا النحو!

هذا المؤشر معبأة مع العديد من الميزات الفريدة التي لن تجد في أي مكان آخر & # 8230؛

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

أردنا فقط أن نذكركم بأننا نقدم مؤشر كتي لدينا بسعر 40٪ من سعر مخفض!

& # 8211؛ The CTI Trading Indicator. This indicator will show you the channel, the break, and when to enter based on the Famous Rabbit Trail Trading Strategy. & # 8211؛ Access to Every Trading Strategy - You get incredible free access to all of our trading reports that we store in our vault. & # 8211؛ New Updates - We will keep the indicator running smoothly so we will periodically send you a new update to it. & # 8211؛ Live Trade Calls - We add in our members area a live trade idea that is based on one of our 15+ current trading strategies that located in the members area. & # 8211؛ Alert/Notifications - The indicator will send you an alert or a notification to your smartphone instantly! & # 8211؛ Trading Support and Coaching - One of our experienced traders will chat with you via email or other means of communication to answer any of your trading questions! & # 8211؛ Special Discounts - We offer all of our members special discounts on other products. & # 8211؛ Private Access to the Members Area - Here, you can check our live trade calls, review all of the special trading reports, check on past alerts, and much more to come!

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We thought you should know that the Five Candle Strategy Can be yours today for a low, one time cost.

This strategy will teach you exacly what to look for on your charts that, at times, showed us 80-90% win rate!

If you have any quesions please let us know today.

We look forward to seeing what you think of the strategy!

- مؤشرات استراتيجية التجارة.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Only One more day left to get your CTI indicator at a 40% discount.

Below is a very useful feature our CTI members enjoy most:↓

What the indicator allows you to do is manually draw a channel. Once you click that button you can draw the channel anywhere on the chart!

This indicator is packed with many other unique features that you will not find anywhere else…

فضلا اخبرنا إن كان لديك أية أسئلة.

-The فريق @ التجارة أدلة الاستراتيجية.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

This Three Part Training Course is designed to dramatically boost profits immediately – and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend,

Hello fellow trader,

How would you like to make $500 a week trading the markets?

How about $5,000 a week?

We are going to show you how in our training course that will start on October 18th, 2017.

We just implemented a new technique that we want to teach you.

We’re both proud and excited to announce that we’re launching a brand new Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W36v2Pf7pC0bhVQ1BV87NXbRG0 ) , and it’s only available for enrollment this weekend!

We specifically designed this course to dramatically boost your profits immediately.

Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is available:

Better hurry, enrollment spots are extrememly limited!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Learn more about our Three-Part Mastery Training Course – only available for enrollment this weekend,

We hope you weekend has been great so far!

Here are a few questions we wanted to ask you right now:

& # 8211؛ Do you want to make extra money trading with simple and easy-to-follow techniques? & # 8211؛ Do you desire to earn extra money for retirement while still working your job? & # 8211؛ Is your goal is to become a full time trader?

& # 8211؛ Is your goal is to earn money?

& # 8211؛ Do you want to have freedom and more time to control your own schedule?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then our brand new Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6lJF4J2R7C-PW5M6mBm683YjX0 ) is for you!

We’ve just just implemented a new technique that we’d love to teach you. Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We’re very excited to offer you enrollment – available for a limited time.

We’ve specifically formatted our NEW Mastery Course in a three part training module to allow each and every market trader the ability to learn at their own pace and not be overwhelmed.

We are going to talk specifically about each market structure and why the strategies we use are so powerful.

Find out if this Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W6056-h8-Ck8yW7Tf7sj9j1yxR0 ) is for you! Click below to learn how you can enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

There’s a litany of reasons why we think our Master Class Training Course is right for you. Here are a few highlights.

Hello again traders,

We’re so excited to offer you limited enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course that we wanted to fill you in on what to expect:

-A 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-A 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

But surely the cost of enrollment in our Three-Part Mastery Training Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4kkQFB5BNgk4Lcxs4XQzMC0 ) would have to be astronomical? (We’ll give you a hint: It’s not. It’s a mere fraction of the total accumulated value you see here.) Click below to enroll for one amazing low price while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

The window to enroll in this amazing opportunity is closing, don’t miss out and get left behind. Join your fellow traders now.

صباح الخير التجار،

The window of opportunity to enroll in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W4HJcKh8RYw_QF4q9_cdHm3Y0 ) is rapidly closing.

Throughout our course:

We want to show you exactly how to identify trends and how we trade with the trends.

We want to show you how to find the trend change before other traders.

We want to show you how to find entries using the trend reversal techniques we learned.

And as an added bonus we want to show you when and where to exit immediately following the strategies we will provide to you.

Just one of these 1 hr sessions is valued at $600! Click below to enroll while this offer is still available:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

We wanted to make sure you know that our Five Candle Mastery Indicator is available to you now for a special price..

Its available to you on these different trading platforms:

Meta Trader 4 & Meta Trade 5.

Ninja Trader 7 & Ninja Trader 8.

This indicator will show you results because the strategy simply works!

We are throwing in the strategy report free for you! That is a $99 Value!

If you need anything from us we will make sure we answer all of your questions! Please email us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides)

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

Enrollment in our amazing new Mastery Course ends tonight, we can only extend the offer to so many – don’t miss your chance!

We only have one Goal: to make you a great trader. So we are offering you our Master Class Trader Guarantee. We guarantee that our class will deliver the training you need to become a great trader.

We’ve held nothing back in this training in order to ensure that you will learn the secrets of a trading master, and are confident that you will emerge a better trader than you are today.

Don’t miss this opportunity, click below learn more and enroll before we stop accepting new students tonight:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

دليل استراتيجيات التداول.

816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

This is your last chance to enroll in our 3-Part Mastery Course, enrollment closes in just a few hours. Act Fast!

We wanted to remind you that enrollment in our NEW Three-Part Mastery Course (hs-3799241.t. hubspotemail/e1t/sc/*W7XtKWY5kCm2bW1KlRWm1VpJQN0 ) ends in just a few hours!

We’re so grateful to have been able to extend this amazing offer to our trading community – an in-depth Master Class divided into three modules, with a bonus fourth module at no additional cost – for 94% lower than its accumulated value, but enrollment ends at midnight!

Act fast to enroll and gain access to all of this for just $197:

-The 1 hr trend reversal strategy class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr trend following class Valued at $600.

-The 1 hr Fibonacci trading class Valued at $600.

-The 30+ other Bonus Free strategies Valued at $297.

-The Master Class Trading Signals Bonus Pack Valued at $997.

-The recording which you can access at any time.

-The PDF Training Guide Valued at $397.

-The Question and Answer Session Valued at $597.

This is your last chance to become the master trader you’ve always wanted to be! Click below before enrollment is closed:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at info@tradingstrategyguides (mailto:info@tradingstrategyguides) .

Thanks for your time,

-The Team/Trading Strategy Guides.

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816 ليغونير St.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة الإلكترونية لأنك مشترك في دليل إستراتيجية التداول من أدلة إستراتيجية التداول.

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